Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

I’ve seen better digs from my local amateur archaeology society.

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I passed him and Conlan in Vegas years back. I know boxer in their weight divisions are tiny but the pair were borderline midgets. I’m not surprised the digs did little, be like getting a box off a skilled 10 year old


Float like a butterfly

Sting like a mild curry the next morning.

We’ve punchbags and all that lark in school, last year I had a young fella, about twelve, did some boxing, he was a traveller if that matters. Probably weighed about 50kg, but my God when he hit the bag it knew it was after being hit

Is hit slang for robbed?


Paddy Barnes couldn’t crack an egg professionally. Seems to be an issue with a lot of Irish amateurs that turn pro. In fact all of them bar Andy Lee.

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The Ghanaian Pallbearers were the precursor.


Paul Bearer Dance GIF by Jason Clarke


Same coffin


Funeral afters looked like some craic. The cardboard cutout of yer man was on the dancefloor.

I lived in a flat there too once upon a time, I can’t remember the number of the house. We had an school Dub landlord. It was a lovely street

Does Daniel be out and about much in Dubai these days?

With the huge Irish contingent over there, he’d surely be widely recognised

Have you ever been to Dubai? The place is insanely massive

While id say Daniel doesn’t hang out in the Irish bars the primary school teachers all go to

Only for Munster championship and taco Tuesdays. Some things are worth the risk

Never been no.

I thought Daniel had strong links to one of the main pubs the Irish school teachers go to though?

The Kinahan Arms

McGettigans. Who also owned the Regency Airport


You’d swear McGettigan was a common Irish name with the number of pubs bearing the name.

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It’s a chain isn’t it? There’s one in Limerick and it’s linked to the one in Dubai