Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

He’s dead.

Dublin, look at yourself. Don’t say anything, just look at yourself a while.

Hard to believe Shane Walsh wants to get himself associated with this place.

Fuck him and his ilk
The more they whack other gangs the better
Fuckin vermin have put hundreds in the grave and tens of thousands addicted to hard drugs
Besides what the dickers are costing the HSE/ taxpayers annually

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You can’t keep them all out.

Was talking to someone who knows about this case. This fella was left in a suitcase in a wardrobe for a few days apparently. A fella killed him, stashed him for a couple of days, either felt bad or didnt have Harvey Keitel’s number and walked into a garda station and admitted it. Mental!



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He was clearly on the move, the suitcase is a dead giveaway.

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Woukd you get away with booking a flight, body in 3/4 suitcases, flying off somewhere and dumping the cunt out foreign, say desert in Qatar?

@Smark talk me through holes in my thinking

His Imposter Syndrome as a hitman must be off the charts in the cell right now with the heat.

Worst case scenario is it gwts lost and left in the baggage lounge in Dublin airport. Imagine the smell

Slight problem when the bags go through the xray machines I’d assume?

High probability they don’t go through xrays tho.

You’d see more pushing and shoving outside second mass FFS. Soft, shaping, mouthy (but of course) Dublin cunts.


It was like a dirty version of love Island.

These names the Sunday world give cowardly vermin like that doesn’t help either.

What were they using as weapons? The saddle of a bike?

Yep and 1 of them has a pitchfork.
Probably uses it for tossing his stash out in his shed.

Awful breed of yokes

Yer man took the bike saddle off Flashy and got a lovely dig in before fucking the saddle back at him as Flashy legged it.