Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

It’s a pity he wasn’t shot in Coolmines, I could have made a very witty pun about Canary’s and Coal mines


Which side is this chap on anyway and who is he beefing with?


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The Adams Family, a long standing conflict apparently

Been festering?


Kinahan cartel left reeling by crash in crypto

Garda Assistant Commissioner John O’Driscoll speaking at Dublin City Hall after US authorities announced they were offering $5 million reward for information on the Kinahan crime gang

Garda Assistant Commissioner John O’Driscoll speaking at Dublin City Hall after US authorities announced they were offering $5 million reward for information on the Kinahan crime gang


John Mooney

Sunday June 26 2022, 12.01am BST, The Sunday Times

The Kinahan cartel has suffered significant financial losses as a result of the collapse in the value of cryptocurrency investments which it has been unable to convert into hard currency because of sanctions introduced by US authorities.

Intelligence available to officials suggests that the cartel has lost tens of millions, possibly more, as the market value of the world’s top cryptocurrencies crashed by more than $2 trillion in recent months, wiping out gains in bitcoin and ether.

The gang has been unable to convert its crypto holdings into cash as advances in technology allow law enforcement agencies, working in conjunction with private firms, to monitor attempts to convert crypto into hard currency and deposit them in a bank account. Transactions are recorded via blockchain, a digital public ledger that leaves a trail.

The Egmont Group, a financial intelligence organisation based in Ontario that tracks money laundering, is being used by the international agencies hunting the cartel’s assets.

The Kinahans were an early adopter of virtual currencies such as bitcoin and ether to conduct financial transactions linked to their drug and arms trafficking activities. Digital currencies also allowed the gang to hold large amounts of illicit money which could be accessed easily from anywhere in the world.

Multiple security sources say the cartel generated substantial amounts of cryptocurrency through their involvement with Russian and eastern European criminals in cybercrime.

Both security and criminal sources say that the gang had built up substantial holdings of new digital currencies including monero, a so-called privacy coin which is designed to conceal the sender and receiver and is popular with crime gangs.

US authorities are examining claims that the cartel’s attempts to conceal its crypto holdings may have had an impact on the value of some currencies in recent weeks.

Intelligence shared between gardai and their partner agencies indicates that the criminal organisation is actively moving crypto through mixer accounts to conceal its origins before transferring it to platforms in countries with lax financial regulations

The cartel is also thought to be using so-called treasure men, criminals on the dark web willing to convert crypto into cash for a fee.

The imposition of sanctions by the US administration, announced last April in Dublin, has caused significant disruption to the cartel and its leader Daniel Kinahan, who oversees the day-to-day activities of the gang from a palatial home on the Palm Jumeirah in Dubai.

Aside from the collapse in value of its digital holdings, the cartel’s finances are now the subject of multiple money-laundering inquiries by police agencies in the Middle East and other parts of the world.

The decision by the US administration to offer a collective reward of $15 million has produced what security sources describe as a significant amount of information from the Middle East on Kinahan; his father, Christy; brother Christopher Jr; and members of the cartel’s leadership.

The reward has also generated several new lines of inquiry for the gardai and the coalition of police forces hunting the gang, who have found themselves stranded in Dubai as they are banned from flying by most of the world’s airlines.

Hundreds of Kinahan’s associates, including professional boxers and pundits, have also been banned from entering America.

Multiple security and criminal sources say the cartel, which has global assets of €1 billion, is morphing from a consolidated criminal organisation with a defined leadership into a franchise-style operation as a consequence of the sanctions. The cartel used to directly control drug distribution operations in several countries while providing money laundering and other services to international criminals, but many of its regional gangs have begun to break away.

Gardai said last week that they were continuing to work with international partners to dismantle the crime group.

“The announcements made at City Hall in April have generated additional avenues to pursue, and give us confidence we will achieve our objectives,” a spokesman said.

Rumours there’s been a bang bang

Mick the Hack hasnt tweeted anything

This is big

Stand down. False alarm


Marbella. I passed through it for a few hours once. An awful awful place. A harbour full of big expensive boats which is full of overpriced cafes, kebab shops and tacky designer clothes shops, as well as tacky monied wankers (Love Island, footballer types, drug dealers, plastic surgery heads).
Any Paddywhack that is boasting they’ve been there on holidays can fuck off. The description of the nightclub in the article sums up the place.


Trash with cash … awful indictment of Paddy that he thinks he’s big news by going there …

I wouldn’t go there if I was offered a free holiday there. The worst thing is, people go there, and this is their impression of Spain.

It’s basically like going out in conor mcgregors pub in Dublin

I visited Puerto Banus on holiday about ten years ago. Spent two nights there.

The place is literally crawling with women of the night. From the more obvious of ladies outside the bars at the end of the night making a grab for your groin to seemingly ‘normal’ ladies with a group of lads in the bars.

As the night went on a lad from one of said groups came over to us incredulous from what he had just discovered saying, in a thick Cork accent:

‘They are fucking hoors lads!!’


If you got separated from the pack you’d be like an antelope being hunted down. It was a bizarre experience. They are literally everywhere there.

One of our group disappeared on one of the nights and arrived back the next morning minus his wallet and phone.

He denied it but he was last seen in the company of one of groin grabbers.



Who’s this?

RTE news : Prisoner in critical condition after Mountjoy attack

Someone posted the details in another thread, but i cant remember which one