Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead


I wonder was it Dwyer Funeral Directors who looked after the gig.

He’s definitely with the angles now. :triangular_ruler: :gun:

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Two men in a serious condition following a stabbing outside a pub in Cabra after that funeral.

Fuck. Will there be rioting in Dublin tonight in their honour? Ive to go to town today.

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Bloody foreigners, oh wait

He’s 180 degrees anyway.

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Oh dear. Just wait till Tucker and Elon hear about this

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Brennans. Brown bread.

One of the symbols of Ledwidge’s life brought to the altar was a motorbike helmet.

In a tribute read by a cousin, his sister Kaci said he played a big part in everyone’s life.

“We are all absolutely heartbroken. A lot of memories were made, and a lot more memories should have been made. You were the life and soul of every party, always with a smile on your face no matter what,” she wrote, adding that he was not without “a big fat joint in your mouth and a hammer in your pocket”.

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Bring tears to a glass eye. Pure class.

Many politicians turn up to the funeral I wonder?

Can a priest refuse to do a funeral service? I’m sure St Peter wouldn’t hold it against them if they did.

Heaven has truly gained an angel.

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A right angle.

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It’s a wonder they didn’t carry up a Stanley knife too

Who was this lad, flashy or non flashy?

During his Homily, Fr Wishy Washy made reference to the Gospel, saying Jesus said we will be judged on the care we have for each other, and we are to give that care to everyone, no matter whom they are or where they come from.

“You reap what you sow. If you sow badness, you get badness back. If you sow goodness, you get goodness back,” he added.


Brother of Flashy

Affiliated to neither. A street level crack and heroin dealer.