Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

This is true. In my eighteen years of active drug addiction, I can attest that there are so few dealers that financially profit from drug dealing, You’ll find most of them battling dangerous debts and almost all that do profit, rarely do for more than a few years. You meet some decent characters, but many havn’t a strand of conscience to question their actions. The end result is often jail, or a spiral into a hell of addiction that makes their own life a living hell.

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You’re lucky boy to be here alive

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I just spent the last three days and nights at a convention I’ve helped organise for the last half decade for young people in recovery that moves to a different scandinavian city every new year’s eve. Raving sober, dinners, meetings, hanging out, games. People attend from all over the world. The joy and fucking pleasure I’ve felt in the last three days would beat the time accumulated for the previous 362 days. Kids, whose friends are hitting the clubs, getting drunk and high for New Year’s and feeling left out otherwise, having the time of their life without a drop in their system. Service to other human beings is a privilege not all of us experience. Everyone of us lucky to be breathing, and a lot of families not worrying about their kids tonight. A real blessing.


Fair play to you. Certainly making a difference and saving some of those people’s lives


Fantastic boy :ok_hand::clap::clap:

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Happy new year kid.
You’re up late tonight?
Must be that old doll from Blackrock.

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Midnight mass
Just back
Popes quay in town is a good half hour from my gaff
And I was trying to find my brother to give him
A lift home to Bishopstown ( no joy)
And I’ve an ex on what’s app in Perth chatting :blush:
I’m okay up 2 nights in the year
Both midnight masses

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Many happy returns kid

Haven’t been near an ol doll in over 11 years

You’re probably right.
I just had to guide* my one up the stairs.

*I wouldn’t be able to carry her.

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Joys :blush::blush::blush:
Lot to be said for a decent partner
Especially if ye get on,
Discuss problems, hopes, angst etc
If u get a good one hold tight.

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5/5 for atmosphere. The watery chicken ultimately not satisfying their need for flirting with danger.

Jay Hennessy sr brown bread

Things will get interesting now! Who were the 2nd 2 picked up for the Sherry killing?

Expect fireworks towards whomever bankrolled the hit.

No names yet - rumour was Jay jr had fled to Spain.

18 year old local.

That’s a funny name