Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Is crystal meth a thing in Ireland now. Haven’t really seen mention of it.

I’d say the man would easily have been a legitimate millionaire

I feel very sorry for the mother who burst her bollox to hand the fucker over a thriving bidness

Seems most of this was headed somewhere else. Crack is a bigger issue from what I can see

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Crazy stuff

I think somebody mentioned the place as a target on here a few months ago. I assumed it was a joke.

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It was not.

They also own Mr Binman


No one involved in waste management could be up to no good

The Sopranos Hbo GIF


Nationwide mr binman or a franchise for Kerry? Sounds like they were printing money in legitimate businesses.

That was from Sept 2023. Lots of rumours about Ballyseede I believe at that time

Binman is not nationwide, covers a few counties in Munster

I was only thinking the other day Mr Binman haven’t put my prices in ages.

He was literally importing shed loads of drugs :joy:

Who’s thd political figure they mention? I’m guessing it’s the son of a county Councillor or something?

Morris O’Shea Salazar - sure you would have to get involved in the drug trade with a name like that.

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Nicola Tallant has a few podcasts on him. Father a Kerryman, Mother a Mexican (neither a hurling stronghold etc.). Born in Mexico and moved to Kerry in his teens when the father was sick. Fairly disruptive student in school. Journos have flocked to Kerry to try and dig up dirt on him and the cute hoors won’t said a word about him. The mother is a 2nd cousin of El Guapo or some other drug lord I think


They had plenty to say here


El Yerra