Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Is he not in Wheatfield?

Is he not inside? RTE saying it was at a halting site.

Spolier that man,my eyes :astonished:

Opened that in Work :nauseated_face:

I haven’t heard the name yet but there is another cousin called Derek…could be him… Del Boy is still inside.

Derek is name I heared . Just thought was del dog cause of name

What’s the latest score now @Tegman? Kinahans 12 Hutchs 2 I saw posted on Twitter.

Don’t no or care mate

Is there another spectacular in the Monk??

Jaysus there can’t be many Hutches left at this rate. Meanwhile the Kinahans and Byrnes are all on holidays. The Monk must rue the day he let those lads loose in the Regency.

I agree with you, the monk went for the jugular in the Regancy and failed…now his family are getting wiped out or are in jail in their own homes.

@Rocko I think you missed a trick going for a sports forum. A Dublin gangland forum would have been the way forward, seem to get new faces every time there’s a murder


Like the Hutch gang in reverse.


Hutches have no cash, no guns and no troops left. They fucked up at the Regency. They needed to take out 4 or 5 Kinahans to make it worthwhile.

Dirty traveller cunts probably sold the lad out for 5k

Twas like a scene from Snatch I’d say

It was their big chance they should have gone all out with shooters.

Their main target wasnt there, that fucked them straight away pal. Was only going to go one way after that really.

He was sure he got out a window