Topics specific to Grand Canal Dock, its environs and, most importantly, its inhabitants

whats going on there

She shouldn’t be wearing that pattern with that arse.

@Horsebox, @Matty_Hislop or @Bandage, what do you think my chances would be of getting parking around Barrow St / Lott’s Road / Bath Avenue on Monday with the marathon on? Those roads don’t close do they?


Very small unless you’re there very early. They are normally open though. You could chance parking in Sportsco car park maybe but if you’re leaving it all day you might get clamped.

Marathon is on Sunday this year.

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Good point. Same question applies to the Sunday :joy:

Ah bollix.

I was down in the Grand Canal Quarter there earlier and I noted the following.

  1. The Brew Dog chain are going into the red building beside the new public park underneath that huge new apartment block. Looks like it will be a huge pub.

  2. A “Press Up” type restaurant has opened up under an office building just passed Harry Crosbies house.

  3. HQ has closed. I believe Wetherspoons have bought it.

  4. A Fresh supermarket has opened up under that huge apartment block referred to at 1 above.

  5. That useless cunt @Horsebox hasn’t kept us abreast of any of these developments.


He’s too busy looking for a place to park his bike.

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Where exactly is point 1?

Totes soz Fagan, I wouldn’t be in GCD a huge amount as there’s fuck all down there to interest me. I wasn’t aware of any of that apart from Weatherspoons buying HQ.

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It’s at the red building beside the new public park underneath that huge new apartment block. At least that’s where I think he (Fagan) said it was. *

  • Unable to provide grid references, apologies.

 See Fagan’s post. It’s there or thereabouts.

I only noticed the closure of HQ this morning when I emerged from my Herb Street breakfast. That Nutbutter café around the side of the building is closed also. I also ventured out of Grand Canal Dock down along Pearse Street and noticed an eatery called Gertrude on the site, I think, of the old Widow Scallans pub. I got the impression that Gertrude insists upon herself.

My lunchtime strolls only take me as far as GCD itself so will add this loop in for a nose

Nutbutter was part of HQ.

Gertrude is 3FE’s latest venture

While I don’t plan on ever frequenting, that Brew Dog pub is badly needed given the amount of office staff around. The Ferryman is like a refugee camp on Friday evenings cos it’s the only pub around the river side of Pearse St

GCD is in desperate need of a SEGREGATED bike lane