Topics specific to Grand Canal Dock, its environs and, most importantly, its inhabitants

As I was waiting at the 31 bus stop there I noted that there is now a Wetherspoons on Abbey St. You can get a pint of something English looking for 3.45€

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If you come across the East Link you can get a full view of the Brewdog place. Looks like a shed / shipping container type structure, and it looks massive.

Been in a couple of their bars in the UK expect industrial decor and pallets. The beer is good though

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10,000 sqf

Are they going to brew there or what?

Apparently so, a microbrewery. Opening the first or second week of December I believe.

I think it will do very well.

They’ve done a very nice job to that building, as they do in their refurbs generally. That whole area desperately needs the Abbey Theatre refurb to start though. And some decent policing.

Difficult to police with the drug treatment places on the street and the junkies shooting up in every back alley.

Marlborough Street was always a disgrace. Having a bunch of Northside buses terminating there was always a pure disaster.

Might improve with new hotel going in

Marlborough street has improved since the LUAS went in.

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Was there any tourist attractions knocked down to build the hotel?

It’s utterly bizarre the lack of anything approaching a decent pub in that area given the amount of people living there. Doubt a craft beer place will change that but we’ll see.

The Windjammer??

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Dublin bus staff canteen

Twas a great spot to finish off a college night out in the early 00’s. Chaps these days don’t even know they’re alive

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It will be very popular on Thursdays post work in particular. I think it will catch a good weekend crowd as well as a destination. Close to the Three Arena too and convenient in a year or two when that new bridge is built.

It’s something Dublin lacks at the moment.

You know what Tim, we can agree on this.

It’s not easy but there is a marked lack of police on the streets. Moving people on should not be so difficult. Whatever about the Abbey, you will regularly see people camped on the Customs House steps having a few cans.

Sure they have to do something to pass the time in between selling stuff. The most open drug deals in Dublin are usually there cos no-one wants to go there.