Tottenham Hotspur, the Ryan Mason variant

Levy fucked up by not stumping up for Conte at the start of the season.

This time next week Conte will be two years at Spurs and no trophy to show for it.

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Responding to the fella who counts the calendar year Klopp joined and the current year regardless of whether the season is complete when tallying the amount won by Klopp in his time at Liverpool :joy: cc @Aertel220


Keep the Klopp and Liverpool stuff off this thread please. Plenty of room elsewhere for that. This is a dedicated Tottenham Hotspur thread.

The glory hunting footix are an odd bunch

Wtf does this mean? Conte is there about 6 weeks


It’s an in to spam another thread with Klopp talk and Man U v Liverpool footix hating banalities.

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Yep, can admins block the footie from.posting here

The oirish liverpool footix is the neediest of all footix.


There’s only a handful of us Spurs fans on the forum. Surely it’s not asking too much to have just one thread where we can be left alone to discuss important Tottenham Hotspur related business and not be spammed by Liverpool/Man U footix talk.


I see we went from having the lowest kms per game before Conte to having the highest.

Imagine if he had a pre season


Need a designated footix WUM thread so this one can be dedicated to the merits of the beer taps at the Hotspur stadium and Conte’s hungry Hotspurs.

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1 league in 30 years (with an asterix) and they are smug


Coach Conte has us purring.


Another masterstroke from Levy bringing the calibre of someone like Conte in. Serious firepower up front with Kane, Moura and Son fit and in form. Centre mid still a big big problem though. If only Ndombele would show he wants the cmf role but he doesn’t. Winks is too slow.

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Winks was done until Conte came in

Coach Conte has Winksy purring again.

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There is something about Harry.


Winksy is one of our own. Hemel Hempstead lad, at the club since he was 5.

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A cunt.