Tottenham Hotspur, the Ryan Mason variant

You picked a good one

I see a player that is ready and I see in his eyes the desire to be a protagonist in the best competition in the world in the World Cup

  • Conte

Must be incredible to play under a man like Conte. Harry is purring

I didnā€™t, there was a few logistical issues with overground back to Liverpool Streetā€¦

Not a peep out of @Mac or @mick_jones.

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Once the first Spurs goal wasnā€™t overturned by VAR it was clear that Leeds werenā€™t gonna be let win.


Best stadium in the world now, along with Cardiff.


That goalkeeper you have needs to toughen up.

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Tis hard to toughen up when thereā€™s a lad sitting on top of you in the goal

Heā€™s a fine shot stopper but sure they are all well able with that. He is very young, command of his area might come to him. He is like Leeds, erratic.

A fine selection of wanker craft beers at the Hotspur stadium.

Without a doubt. A proper stadium


The pride of North London.


Leeds can feel hard done by for that first goal. Real piece of Italian ingenuity in the nudge on the keeper. Conte is a great bit of stuff. Real steel injected into the club.

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Keeper ends up in the back of his net and itā€™s not a foul. Bullshit.

He fell over his own leg, twas right in front of me

The Spuds lad was sat on his head afterwards.

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A few young lads fell on top of me celebrating the winner, boot cut jeans and brown shoes, incredible scenes, total mayhem

Incredible facilities there compared to an outdated monolith like Old Trafford, you can see why a once great team like manyoo have been left behind when you visit a stadium of this quality


Itā€™s 20 years since Iā€™ve been to WHL for a game,
will be in London for a week during the Easter hols, whatā€™s the best way to secure a couple of tickets together? One Hotspur membership worth it for one match?
Bournemouth is the opposition