Tottenham Hotspur, the Ryan Mason variant

Congratulations to our club representative Cristian Romero on the Argentina World Cup success.


World Cup break hasn’t changed much. Still playing dismal, low energy Conteball style and we’ve fallen 1-0 behind at Brentford after 15 minutes. 9th consecutive game that Spurs have conceded the first goal.

Brentford double their lead, 2-0.

Spurs an utter shambles under Conte.

Eric Dier is an awful lummox

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They are 4th in the EPL.?

9 games in a row now Spurs have conceded first. Low energy, anaemic, dinosaur 1980’s pedestrian style.

Spurs will finish around 8th this season.

Harry pulls one back with a terrific header. 1-2. We should really be winning from here now with 25 minutes to go. Brentford are shit.

Maintains his record of scoring in every Boxing Day fixture he’s ever played in. 10 in total.

Hojbjerg levels it up. 2-2.

Conte has instilled tremendous spirit in this side. If the fans got behind the team they could go far


If you could phase out the likes of Dier and replace him with young athletic players, theyd be somewhere. Spurs have some excellent players.

Finishes 2-2. We had all the momentum after equalising on 71 minutes but showed very little over the final 24 minutes. Bad result, 2 points dropped, Brentford are no great shakes.

Brentford beat Man City away from home just before the World Cup to be fair to them. Harry Kane is great for one goal, rarely seems to add a second though. He’s ticking along nicely for my FPL team.

Jesus mate, on a day when they couldn’t beat Brentford this is your reaction :man_shrugging:

The old spurs would have lost that 4-0

They’re no mugs. Handed united their holes too iirc. Conte did well to turn that around. He’s got some spirit in that side now, which is incredible as it’s not something you’d associate with a Tottenham side.

I just can’t understand how one of the so called elite managers in world soccer can send out a team practically every game that are a no show for the first 45 minutes. It’s only after we fall 1 and 2 behind that the handbrake is off, negative Conteball goes out the window and we have a cut.

We’ve conceded first now in each of our last 9 games. We’ve gone 2-0 down to both Bournemouth and Brentford, fell behind 3 times to Leeds and conceded first against a then bottom of the table Leicester. Against sides like that, we’ve enough quality in our ranks to still turn it around and 10 out of 12 points were recovered.

We also conceded first in the first half against better sides in the League like Liverpool, Man U, Woolwich and Newcastle, which was the prelude to dismal defeat in each of those 4 games.

By way of contrast, Lego Man Arteta seems to place a huge emphasis on a fast start. They seem to score a lot in first 15-20 minutes. They’ve only tailed in 2 of their 15 league matches this season. For about 7-8 minutes against Fulham and at Old Trafford in the only game they lost.

Conte won a league with Victor Moses wing back yet can’t get a tune out of Doherty

Doherty has no character

Is Spurs your team of choice in the Premier League?
Positive spin on a draw with Brentford is unusual you’d have to say :man_shrugging:

I was spinning after they pulled level and I assumed they’d go on to win

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