Tour De France 2012

Will we see Nibali attack on the final descent?

The gap from the leader to peloton is 3 mins. This is feck all. Sky et al will close this down before last descent and Nibali now at 25/1 could be a bet. It’s an ideal finish for him and he has to make hay when it suits him

Doubt it but hope so. There is 10 of flat after descent so not ideal. Also tt tomorrow so could pay for it then.

Sagan is still in main Peloton… Surely not…

Great attack by Van den Broeck. Peloton in ribbons

Nibali attacking on the descent. Roche & Martin dropped. There’s only a select few behind Kessiakoff & Pinot: Nibali, Wiggins, Froome, Van den Broeck, Evans & Schlek and pals.

Come on Kessiakoff - 16" behind Pinot - 8km to go

Kessiakoff caught 4km from home.

Pinot 38" ahead

Great scenes at the finish. FDJ and Pinot. Marvellous

Brilliant coaching there from the directeur sportif.

Roche finishes with Brajkovic, Leipheimer, 1’25" behind winner (Wiggins group was 25" behind)

He looks like he is going to ride all round him tonight

Delighted with that win for Pinot, for FDJ and most importantly for Marc Madriot.

Are you taking notes?

Was it not Madiot who dismissed a part of Rough Ride that was being discussed on some TV show when it came out as being “a typical comment from a guy who was never any good”?

The very man. Marc was a good rider, won Paris-Roubaix twice. Think he might have won a stage of the Tour. Rode with Hinault and Fignon at Renault.

While don’t like comments on Kimmage I’d have thought he was decent guy. Hewas advocate for clean cycling for some time when it wasn’t easy to go against the grain. Was tougher on those involved in Puerto for instance saying they shouldn’t be allowed back. His enthusiasm today was great I thought. Am i too kind to him balbec? Really like to see French teams do well. Was a throwback to old stages you’d see pre Lance era.

I’d love to see a French rider win it, Larry. After all it is their race and it needs a Frenchman to be competitive, not just being in the suicide breaks every day. Delighted a break away won it today. You get tired of these automatons at the front riding tempo all the time.

He was right about Kimmage too, he was too lazy to get out of bed to train.

Interesting from Robert Millar

Wiggins gave a few interesting responses to questions about doping.

The gist of it is that all the accusers are cunts.

Is he a prick or a legend?