Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

Iā€™m driving a tractor down so I will be invisible to law enforcement.

Have you a note?

A crisp 50.

No farmer has a crisp 50.


Michael Oā€™Keeffe, private sector consultant opthalmologist

You can add our mousehound to the list. He was the only fucker to leave the house for the past couple of weeks. Should I shoot the cunt?

Coronavirus: ā€˜Keep cats indoorsā€™, vets recommend

Vets stress that pets pose little to no risk to their owners but recommend keeping cats indoors.

Cats can catch the SARS-Cov-2 virus from humans, but according to ā€œexpertsā€ humans canā€™t catch it from cats. Even though SARS-1 was transmitted from a civet cat to a human. Considering how wrong most of the experts have been so far, shooting might be extreme, but I wouldnā€™t be cuddling into the little fuckers either.

Youā€™ve saved a mousehound, but condemned many a mouse and shrew.

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Battā€™s brother? Why?

For complaining that some of his patients may go blind as a result of not being treated during this emergency

Seeing as I have a close connection with someone who had such an appointment only yesterday morning in the Mater I canā€™t agree with you.

And TH

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A friend of mineā€™s life partner works in a co-op store on the East coast. A farmer customer of hers told her he was heading to Cheltenham and he didnā€™t care if it killed him. They found out today that he got read his last rites last night. That happened.

Hopefully tis only himself he takes down with it.

The horsey set will be along to tell us he died doing what he loved.

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What did he die of?

Did he die?

Apologies. Should have made that clear. Heā€™s dying/died of COVID-19.

I agree @myboyblue. Iā€™m finding it hard to have sympathy for this individual, which goes against my nature. My sympathies are towards his family and/or anybody else that he has passed this cunt of a thing onto

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A colleague of my wife is in this situation. Her maternal grandmother was dying in a nursing home, a confirmed victim of Covid19, on the east coast. The family were let in without PPE now her 56 year old father is gravely ill in icu with Covid19.
Yesterday I went out after three weeks of isolation and a wan in her sixties came into the newsagents after me coughing all over the place to buy the paper. Iā€™m in shock at the stupidity of the woman. As I left she was trying get a conversation going with the terrified shop attendant (late 50ā€™s).
Driving home I passed another ape of a woman walking her dog with her nose poking out over the top of her face mask.
Jesus wept.

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Jaysus thatā€™s awful

Iā€™d agree with most of your post apart from the dog walker. Whatā€™s wrong with what they did?

Oh oh, youā€™ve hit a touchy subject here @caulifloweredneanderthal