Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

Yer wan with the cough should have been in isolation with those symptoms. Letting people into a room to a person dying of Covid let alone without giving them PPE is insane. Itā€™s hard to believe there are people still that stupid going around the place.

I agreed with that. Iā€™m asking about your last sentence and the dog walker?

Thereā€™s a dirty campaign on here against dog walkers ā€¦ it has really vamped up during this crisis.


Fuckin cat lovers

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do you pick up Bradyā€™s shit after him?

99.5% of the time yes. Thereā€™s the very odd time I head out with out a bag by accident ā€¦ in that case iā€™d cover it in leaves or the likes.

The way she wearing in she may as well have had it shoved up her hole. Maybe she thought it had miraculous properties and all she needed was to have it on her person. Theyā€™re not worth a fuck if you donā€™t use them right.

Are the likes good for covering up shit?

I mentioned nothing bout dogs pal

Some people would call him a hero.

Or a martyr.

Iā€™m not sure.

Would traitor not be more accurate?

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Noses mate, noses.

@anon60384913 said there were salt of the earth farmers who put food on our tables going to Cheltenham. They had every right to enjoy themselves.

RIP Selfish Farmer

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Fuck, thatā€™s two stalwart posters gone in one go.


This is a really cuntish thing to do harry. Iā€™ve put you on ignore but was alerted to this post by pm. It has nothing to do with me. I know plenty of rural folk who are pissed off by the way they were singled out and others got a free pass. Trying to tie me into some lad dying is very disturbing and upsetting.

Please identify the absolute weirdo who PMed you about this fairly standard TFK post.


It was @AppleCrumbled.


Ah actually Iā€™m done with this lad.

The next 10 to 15 years will be a very difficult journey for BarneyCurley, itā€™s a very sad situation really. You hear about families who turn against their addict relatives but you cant ever judge anyone because the whole thing is just horrendous.

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I think he sent it by pm so he wouldnā€™t be identified. This is a sad thing to do and itā€™s unsettling the way heā€™s desperately trying to include people I know into some random persons death. Iā€™ve no bone to pick with Harry at all heā€™s completely lost his mind for no reason and keeps writing to me every day. Itā€™s easy ignore that but this sort out of context crap linking me to somebodies death is sickening. Enjoy your day tank I can imagine itā€™s tough in a big city at the moment :pray:

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Iā€™d say it was @Sidney.