Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

I had Sidney on ignore for a finish he was an awful bolox.

Mickey Graham. Nobody gives a fuck about your bogballers pal.


Cavan :joy:

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Declan Bonner is at the same craic I see

Fuckers probably training away strong anyway

A bit needy but hardly high treason

Have they stopped the expenses?

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Anyone not back in work first week of May.


  1. breaching self isolation rules
  2. Engaging in a social media campaign to undermine Minister Harris
  3. Tying up doctor resources because he is “fatigued” and quite ill and the same cunt out doing bleep tests.
  4. Advocating a diet based cure to Covid 19 based on ph levels.

He died of a Thursday



Incredibly harsh, he did a childlike bleep test so he more than likely is extremely ill. Don’t be so insensitive.

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Lads very fucking edgy around here today

Agreed. We had sensible-ish discussion over whether it was ok to laugh at Boris when he looked like he was on the way out. We should show compassion to @Thomas_Brady in light of his recent medical self diagnosis. Good luck Tommy beep beep.


I was saying the same thing about Leo, leo, leo when he said not another red cent or when Simon Covenay said he would end homelessness. Traitors the lot of them.

Don’t engage Harry juh he is full of poison and negativity.

I’ve lost faith in Leo over the last few days. Have a great weekend tazdedub :ok_hand:

Some pony club up here near Letterkenny is apparently running their Easter camp behind closed doors.

Shower of cunts.

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That’s a disgrace. Ponies should be outside in fields in the fresh air.


Did you read that on bookface?