Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

But, but, but, we dont have it.

Jimmy sommerville disagreed

That she doesnt know better?

Surprising that SF would suggest taking money that doesn’t belong to them.

SF are suggesting the state take money that DOES belong to them.

Surprising to hear FG want wealthy corporations to keep money that doesn’t belong to them.

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Sssshh, he’s a commie*. Those who fall ill may say “don’t leave me this way” to the government, but the smalltown boys here say “tough shit”.

*Communard, but close enough.

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Ooooffft. Somebody pick the Trumpbot off the floor.

Las I went for a good long walk there at lunchtime for about an hour around leafy Dublin 4 and I honestly passed about 15 to 20 people in the whole hour. And it’s only gorgeous out. There’s an amount of fuckwits in this country alright but most people seem to be adhering to the advice.

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I’d put in a Vegas casino (Caesars palace, only ideally bigger) there between Pallas and Oola.

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I would agree with this. I think on the whole we’re doing ok (from my own experiences anyway) and that like in every walk of life (and more in some) you’ll have complete idiots who need to be treated with extreme force and bate into line.

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I just drove through SoCoDu. Very few people out. At pedestrian lights each family group was Standing well back from the other or giving way completely.


Same as around here from what I can see. Went for a stroll earlier and people are walking or jogging in ones or twos. And not many too many of them either. Possible they are all in Lahinch and Killaloe though :joy:.
I did see a group of youths loitering this afternoon, and a big group comprising three Muslim women plus a ball of their kids. I spose they aren’t allowed out for a walk on their own (the women or the kids).
But apart from those two cases of stupidity it’s being very well observed from what I can see.

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I may be losing it ala Goodfellas, but there seemed to be a helicopter flying over Limerick there earlier like they were looking for large groups of people. Flying low and hovering over housing estates and the crescent etc.

They are using drones I believe.

It does not belong to Ireland. it belongs to wherever the courts decide the taxes should have been paid. There are two alternatives, either the taxes should have been paid in the individual countries the Apple products wee sold in, or the taxes should have been paid in the US where the products were designed and the IP exists.

I wouldn’t expect a SF supporter to know anything about the law.

It belongs to the Irish taxpayer.

Why are you supporting large multinationas who have profits and reserves ranging in the billions from neglecting their taxation responsibilities, supported by the Government?

I would love to see Ireland get $14 billion mate, or some of that amount.

It’s not going to happen, people (especially politicians), need to deal with reality.

The EU want it but the Irish government are hellbent are serving their multinational overlords.

You are on record as saying multinationals should be taken over by the government, and supporting communist regimes. You are a communist. A Catholic one no less which is more than a little odd.

Do you think Ireland would be better off if all MNCs were driven out? That’s the actual result if utter loons like you got their way.

Apple and all MNCs should pay their taxes where they are owed, either where the product was developed or where it was sold, or both.

And proud.


They don’t.