Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

Thanks for confirming you are a utter loon, and a dangerous one. The 240,000 people who are employed by MNCs in Ireland, mostly on very good wages, thankfully do not agree with you.

Stick to football mate, like the other loon, it’s really the only subject you both know a little about.

I’m more concerned with them skipping a 14 bn tax bill. That would solve our housing crisis. It might stop foreign weirdos coming into the country and storing their shits in their fridge.

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Swine flu surplus

Didn’t know you used to work for Apple.

Would he be classed as a cork weirdo/sicko as hes German?

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Could have been the impact of Cark on him.

Think some one with FUCKING aughnacloy in his /her make up shouldn’t talk about weird , FFS

@Thomas_Brady is blaming everybody else for his hypochondriac behaviour putting lives at risk

He then goes outside Willy nilly

A real I’m Alright Jack

Have another edit there and let me know when you’re done

15 fucking thousand.


Their details should be saved and dealt with appropriately when we come out the other side of this.


All FF voters.


That could be viewed as a baseless allegation. You’d want to be ready to back it up on twitter.

@Dav1 and the @RNLI

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They’ve had to block out @mac’s nose!




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The guards are out in force on the peninsula this morning turning people back.


They should be fining them

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