Transfer Window - Summer 2008

Please put all transfer news, confirmed deals, speculation and completely made up shit in here.

I was reading yesterday that Chelsea and Liverpool are both considering Stg14m ‘swoops’ for Gareth Barry. The price quoted is insane.

Milan and Barca have yet to agree a fee for Ronaldinho though he’s agreed personal terms.

In yet another TFK exclusive, I can reveal that Spurs will be signing Cameroon international 'keeper Carlos Komeni from Espanyol.

who will celtic be looking to bring in bandage…i think they could do with a goal poacher in the billy dodds mould…

a lot will depend who is in charge where for the big transfers…the likes of chelsea barcelona ac and inter milan etc could all have new managers and they will spend big…

There is a decent chance of Billy becoming available alright, I hear the Taghmon Committee were impressed with Ivan Yates’ during his reign as Taghmon boss and are looking to secure him on a permanent deal leaving Billy free to move on or up his media commitments with SE Radio.

I see also that Arsenal have been linked with a 21m move for Van Huntelaar. No way will AW spend that kind of cash.

Celtic were linked with Hurtado (Spanish midfielder with Espanol) in the press the other day. Whether a new midfielder is affordable or not depends on whether Donati and Gravesen can be offloaded I suppose.

The priorities for Celtic should be a centre half a defensive central midfielder and a nippy striker. We’re fine for full backs with Doumb, Wilson, Naylor, Caddis and Hinkel with emergency cover from Caldwell and O’Dea (even Robson or Hartley). Centre of defence is a bit of an issue. Strachan doesn’t like making changes there so it means that there’s less need for depth - Balde and O’Dea have had no chances this season so an extra centre half seems superfluous but at least one quality addition is needed, preferably a leader type.

In the middle of the park we’ve plenty of bodies but only Hartley has managed anything like a decent season and he’s only played half the games at most. Brown, Robson and Sno all have their merits but none have been overly compelling throughout and can’t be relied on to play with eachother. Donati started brightly but faded horribly and doesn’t have a role really.

We’re ok enough for widemen with McGeady and Naka supported by Riordan and Mizuno and we can play Hartley and Robson wide - not Brown who’s awful when played on the wing.

Up front Jan has Killen, Hutchison and Sheridan for competition while for McDonald it’s just Samaras and even then he’s a bit of both. I’m not sure I’d keep Samaras to be honest. He’s done quite well and happy enough with him but a couple of awful games hint at what might be if/when his confidence goes.

Not transfer news exactly but Jeff Kenna is New Galway United manager.

Jeff Kenna!!! Jaysus a blast from the past. Made it onto a premiership team of the year didn’t he? Was he on the B/Burn Rovers side that won the championship?

I agree with Rocko as regards the three positions - centre back, defensive midfield and striker - where Celtic need to strengthen and I’d also add left back to that.

Hinkel is looking more assured each time he plays and Caddis seems an excellent prospect as back up on the right. Wilson can cover right and left back but I’d like to see a new first choice come in to replace Naylor.

Bobo will leave this summer in all likelihood and Strachan’s insistent that Caldwell and McManus are first choices. However, we desperately need a commanding centre back who can dominate on the European stage and hold things together away from home as Caldwell and McManus aren’t capable of doing that. They, along with the criminally underused O’Dea, would compete to partner this new signing in theory.

Donati has faded into relative obscurity and a move back to Italy might be on the cards and Gravesen’s a non-entity so we could do with a solid, destructive midfield player who can also play the simple but sharp passes to get us attacking - someone in the Mascherano mould.

We’re light on bodies upfront and I’d like to see a fast finisher who makes intelligent runs along the line and off the shoulder of the last defender come in. I’m fooked if I’ve any idea who we could get to fulfil that role for the money we have available though.

Hope to fuck Wham get rid of:

L Neil
C Cole
LB Morte
F Lungberg
Baby Ferdinand

Bring on the youth and someone with a bit of quality to play off of Deano. Get the existing players fit, get the taff back, and we might do well next year. Bood off v the Rams on saturday, crowd telling Curbs that he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Not good. Players coasting.

Maybe if you just used IawR instead of typing the words. We’ll all know what you mean. Clown.

Appendage, from watching hour upon hour of Celtic play this season the areas that require strengthening are pretty clear. You appear to be a little prickly today which is no surprise given that you are in fact a prick.


As regards Ronaldinho. I heard that Inter are going to make a move to try and persuade him to go there.

I’d say Wexford Youths and Bray Wanderers will be fighting for Paul McShanes signature after yesterdays performance.

Surprise, surprise - it’s Flano hovering on the edge of a thread before piping up with a typically inane comment.

Riijkard appears to definitely be on the way out and Ancelotti’s on dodgy ground with Milan too so there’ll no doubt be substantial changes in personnel at these two clubs. Real Madrid have an oldish side despite being on course to win the league and they’ll probably be busy too. Inter have become the type of club in recent years who sign big name players who’ve had better days - Figo, Vieira, Samuel - and they’ll probably be after players like Deco. The big money’s in England though and Chelsea will obviously be in the market in a big way.

We’re light on bodies upfront and I’d like to see a fast finisher who makes intelligent runs along the line and off the shoulder of the last defender come in. I’m fooked if I’ve any idea who we could get to fulfil that role for the money we have available though.[/quote]

Kenny Miller maybe? Or Aliadire?

Inane comment? If my last comment is inane then so is your life

Yes, inane comment - like I said first time Harold.

Surprise surprise. Flano gets under Bandages skin again, this time without any effort at all.

Nah pal, don’t give yourself undeserved credit. Now run along - the grown ups were trying to talk football.

Well no. You decided to have a go at me first there. I made quite a valid point about Inter possibly coming in with a late challenge to sign Ronaldinho. Anyone other than Bandage the bigot heard anything about it?

Flano is spot on there Bandage - you’re attitude is unwarranted.

I’m sure you’ll pm Rocko for validation of your stance though.