
The PC do-gooders have got their way and the Garda has been suspended.

That bollix Martin Collins from Pavee Point calling for anti racism training on Today FM now.

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Fucking cunts. Step up the regular screaming Marys around here.

So Martin Collins is offended by spoof call out videos but not real ones. Presumably they should be respected?


cultural output

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Fucking disgrace, none of them whures for up hate crimes ever even though you tube is full of it and twitter etc, country is full of p.c. do gooder :clown_face:,s - they’re the biggest drug dealers in Cork if not Munster,fuck Collins- never hear him or his I’ll when his relatives are caught after scamming/ robbing/ terrorising old folk


By fuck the pikeys behaved in the 6 counties while I was there,can remember only one incident involving settled ppl and them,and had the pleasure of boxing the fucking ears off a few of them at new year’s eve a few times


The guard raised 50k for Temple Street doing this. Now suspension is his reward because a fella who seems to have no issue with actual travellers doing call out videos (and following through on them) is offended


Country is fucking goosed FFS

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Nice kid hard to believe he’s related to the planet of the apes man beside him,hope he doesn’t turn out any way like that animal

‎Open this link to join my WhatsApp Group:

The travellers are stone mad for the WhatsApp.


I’m too scared to click the Link.

Oh you can join alright, you just won’t stay more than 3 minutes

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What is this?

Lol, I actually joined and left in 1 minute

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I know sure we saw the big gomey head on you

Go way you!! You’re the king of dirt!!




Surely some enterprising guard should add himself to that group. He’d clane up

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