US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Blunt, Portman, Young, Burr, Lee, Moore Capito, Cassidy, Rounds, Tillis, Grassley, Moran, Ernst, Thune, Cotton. It also depends on how much fight there is from Trump loyalists. If McConnell favors a quick conviction to move on, then it will be over quickly, but he could also decide to draw the process out to at least give the impression of putting up a fight. Itā€™s a tricky one for Republicans. The mood seems to have shifted, but this is politics so who knows really.

So 4 impeachmentā€™s, of which he is half.

In one term.

2 time Donnie.

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The only one to retain an impeachment

Your boy took one hell of a beating. I wish you the best of luck with the rebrand

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Iā€™m actually surprised heā€™s made it this far

George HW Bush achieved all his objectives in one term, as did the Don


Grassley, Ernst and Thillis maybe, but canā€™t honestly seeing the others.

Who will the Trumper crackpots turn to now @glenshane?

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If Paul Ryan ever decides to reemerge, youā€™ll have an awful dilemma

Not really, only 10 RINO Republicans voted against the President.

A bit of an anti climax for you.

But ā€œWhite House Occupant - electā€ Biden* will be seen to have won the election fairly :wink:

I would have said none a week ago, in fact I did say none. But I think Republican leaders have decided moving on quickly is better than an extended battle within the party. McConnell has a very strong grip on the party, so whatever he decides will sway a lot of them. I could be completely wrong and McConnell has a different endgame, like dragging the trial out for months and exposing what Republicans see as double standards from Democrats. We will know soon enough.

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Eviscerated by Nancy pelosi. Not once but twice

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President Biden* is a lot like Galway 2017*

No goals. All points


Trumps enablers are hopping around like sausages in the pan

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Not really, Iā€™m just looking forward to my kebab followed by toffee popcorn next Wednesday. I might even post a picture and come up with a gif for it

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Post of the Year!

Close the Thread :rofl:

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