Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Almost certain they were referencing the early Mormons in this episode… I’ve a vague recollection of their first settlement being in Pittsburgh which your man in the show said they had originally settled in but fled to escape marauders and such. The Mormons were also violently driven out of Pittsburgh.

Mormonism was also set up by deviants who wanted to have sex with multiple women and children.

And I’m sure cannibalism is somewhere in there too.

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Great episode,I thought it’s cause they were starving


She’s like a Tom Boy.


Magic! Great fun that show!

I watched that Dublin Narcos last night. It was fairly poor fare.

Tame enough ending and a weaker episode than it’s predecessor.

Great opening sequence (Duh…zombies, good. No zombies, bad) and then it peters out a bit. 7/10

Prepare for one of the worst shootout scenes you’ll ever see

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Watched the first episode of The Gold about the 1983 brinks gold heist in London. A promising start.


I thought it was a bit meh

You would be correct. I’m not sure what makes it stand out from all the rest tbh.

All n all a very average show.

Outside Episode 3 I haven’t seen much to mark it out from all the other apocalypse shows. Endless depression and lack of hope. I have enough of that here.

Picard S3 has been an improvement over S1 and 2. It’s actually watchable now.

As I said before, really loved Poker Face.

More TNG, whodathunkit.

It’s back


Football is life.

Watched it earlier.

Nate :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I’m doing a rewatch of S02. Half way through. Are they all up?

Just the first one