Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Stick with it, gripping stuff.

9.6 on IMDB, crikey never saw such a high rating.

Does it not put you off they all have cockney English accents? I get that it’s so it’s more accessible or watchable for it’s target audience but it loses it’s authenticity for me over that.

Not at all. Better if it was in Russian and subtitled alright.

The Virtues episode 2 was even better than the first

I watched the first episode and thought it was an awful load of shit.

It’s a bit jarring alright, but better than them putting on fake Russian accents I guess. I love a good subtitle so it wouldn’t bother me if they did it in Russian or Ukrainian or whatever. But you limit your audience fairly sharply then

Wouldn’t suit everyone

Gus Triandos

Cheers for the heads up on this bucko. Watched the first two episodes tonight. Great stuff. Haven’t seen glasses like that since my Dad was in his prime.

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I’m rooting around for the iodine tablets here.


the soundtrack is what makes it, fucking savage, it would scare the shite out of you

Watched the first episode last night, wouldn’t normally be gone on british programs but stuck the second on straight after and only went to bed on the self made promise of more soon. Fantastic stuff, terrifying. God bless capitalism and the united states for ridding us of such a regime


communism is pure evil, thank god for America


those two lickspittles that were in charge initially, reminded me of two lads running a construction compnay in Ireland during the boom


the end of episode three there, the lead coffins getting covered with concrete and the fireman dying in the bed with their faces melting off from radiation, jesus, imagine where the world would be if communists were in charge

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They wouldn’t even give the lads time and a half for digging under a melting radioactive core.

I’d say the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would beg to differ.


Are you old enough to remember the “Three Mile Island” incident?

I see that dreary little jackeen bollox, Barry Keoghan is in episode 4 of Chernobyl. It’s put me right off it, the little cunt.

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