Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Image result for ivana lotito

So demure, so pretty.

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That was a great season of Gomorrah. Did slightly lose its way at the end of the season but overall superb. The early episode with the two young brothers was brilliant. I like the way they gave the Forcella boys a backseat this season. The Capaccios are brilliant.

Just watched episode one tonight, i thought it was boring tbh but maybe it picks up. It’s been on a downward trajectory since the first two marvelous seasons ended. There were some incredible characters at the start among all the sort of seasoned older criminals. Show is gone very young now. But i suppose that mimics what happens in real life criminal gang situations. Gennaro’s wife is unraleable, worth tuning in for a few glimpses of her really.

Only just finished seasons 1 and 2 of Deadwood. One of the greatest of all time.


Never a truer word said. It was a gem of a show. EB Farnum a great character as of course was Al and Bullock, but there were so many it’s hard to single anyone out. They brought out the film only a week or two ago which was set ten years on by the way since the last episode aired. They aired the film on sky atlantic though which i think says it all that it wasn’t up to cinema release. Personally i thought the film didn’t do the TV series service whatsoever but i suppose fans of the show will be glad to watch some more deadwood however good or bad it turned out.

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She’s amazing.

Malammore was great, he was a superb character and a true Pietro loyalist in a sea of snakes.

I thought last season disappointed because it centred around the Forcella boys who I just couldn’t warm to them, I think they are much better utilised this season in a backseat role. Great characters tend not to last too long in it, look at The Wizard last season who was the best character in it by a mile.

Yeah, can’t believe I missed it all these years. The acting is terrific. A fucking grim time to be alive, when Al has the stones I could barely watch, brutal. Obviously it’s not a historical drama a la GOT and it’s exaggerated but just watching it’s really striking how only 100 odd years ago a gold magnate, a billionaire basically, still lived rough lives and contracting the most basic of injuries/diseases and you are fucked. Lads on the dole today who have never worked a day in their lives living in paradise compared to them.

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Who was the Wizard again?

The Wizard was the old boss man who lived in the fancy house who got taken out by the Capaccios at the end of season 3.

Image result for stregone gomorra

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Has anyone watched the Deadwood movie?

Ya, not bad… More like a closing episode of the series than a stand alone movie. Wraps up well

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Did you guys finish Gomorrah yet?

I’m trying to watch season 3 but it’s very poor …

Season 3 was poor. The Forcella boys aren’t interesting enough to base a season around. The Ciro episode in Bulgaria was unreal though.

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Haven’t started season 4 yet, mate. I’m re-watching The Sopranos at the moment and on season 5 so I want to power on through with that before starting anything new. I did re-watch episode 3 of season 3 last week after you posted the ending scene. By god, what an episode.

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It’s unreal, the finest hour of TV ever made.

It’s up there with the last episode of season 1.

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I’m in the middle of season 4 at the moment. I’ll reserve judgement till the end.

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Completed two episodes and haven’t had a chance to go back to it. It’ll be a few weeks.

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