Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

I must give it another go at some stage, but I tried twice to watch and both times I never got through it all. I was late to the party so it was probably just too hyped for me and could never live up to my expectations.

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It was a struggle to finish it — Saul was the best character in it by a mile — hank was daycent too.

each to their own

Seasons 2 to 4 of Breaking Bad are excellent. The character arc of some of the main characters is excellent especially Walt’s descent from an honest man trying to do his best for his family to an out and out sociopath.

The final series let it down somewhat but the visceralness of it and Walts juxtaposition and how unintended consequences haunt his every decision is very well done. Better Call Saul is along similar lines where Jimmy tries to go straight but he just can’t.

I dont think it is as good as The Wire which is as good a tv show as there has been but it too also had a weak final series but Breaking Bad is/was an excellent show in it’s own right.


Have to agree, personally I thought twas a load of brock- but each to his own

The Wire is lucky, in that structure wise, all the seasons are somewhat self contained so you can just pretend as most people do that season 5 never happened

There’s a season 5 ???


#insert ‘relief’ gif here#

I thought the first couple of seasons were actually the best.

The morphing of downtrodden Walt into an egomaniac and criminal was brilliant.

Couple of great scenes:

  • Where he tries to convince Grethen not to rat him out to Skyler about her not paying for his treatment. Gretchen gives him a hard time and he eventually tells her angrily to ‘go fuck herself’
  • Where he starts cooking and gets involved with lower level dealers and starts jumping on Skyler all the time
  • When his cancer has reduced by 80% and he is clearly annoyed as he no longer has an ‘excuse’ to cook the meth which makes him feel alive. He punches the drier in the bathroom in anger distorting his face in the reflection.
  • Where he pours Tequila continuously for Walter Jr and angrily demands the bottle back from Hank

This was a great scene

as is this one

Fuck you and your eyebrows

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I think part of the problem is having to watch a series on a Box Set or on Netflix. It becomes like a chore to work through the volume of it. You’re there at half eleven nodding off and then another magnificent landscape shot of Arizona appears and you just want to cut to the chase.

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Has anyone done a rewatch of Breaking Bad?

For me one of the best scenes was where he allowed Jesse’s girlfriend to choke to death. The cruelty of it.

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I doubt it.

You can tell the quality of a show if someone does a rewatch. I’ve done The Sopranos numerous times, same with The Wire. Obviouly a different show but Cheers also.

You must have loads of time on your hands!

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I didnt do it over a few days. I’d come back it now and then, maybe over a year period. Numerous times is probably an exageration, I’ve done Sopranos about 3, maybe 4 times, The Wire twice.

I’ll not mention The West Wing.

I’ve a feeling I’ll never re-watch either, but I’ve much preferred watching Better Call Saul to Breaking Bad.

I recently rewatched the Sopranos on my dodgy box and the last 2 episodes weren’t up there so need to track them down. I’ve rewatched The Wire. When I was watching the Breaking Bad recap before El Camino last night I decided to start rewatching Breaking Bad in the near future.