Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

But it’s not really meant to be a film to stand on its own is it? It’s not supposed to be like Sicario say. It’s a postscript to a wildly successful TV series, certainly aimed at fans of the series and not casual randomers who’d flick it on who hadn’t seen the series. Like @Big_Dan_Campbell said I also liked that they didn’t just use it as a nostalgic walk down memory lane by bringing in lots of the old favourites for random scenes. Example Walter White was in one brief scene. I didn’t see Hank or Walters extended family in any scene. Neither was Saul Goodman. Mike had a brief cameo.

There was unfinished business after the series ended in that we saw what became of Walter White after the showdown in which Jessie was freed, but we never knew what became of Jessie or if he survived. This film, whilst being a vehicle to make money first and foremost off the back of the series success, has put that to bed. The whole thing was in keeping with the series with the slow pace. And they’ve cleverly kept the door open for another film if they so wish, or not. I’m surprised that the majority of folk are disappointed with it and some saying it was abysmal.

The plot of it was rather basic.

The point he needed to get to was a rehash of a story from the series (we already saw Walt and Saul there), he needed money for that which is where things went a bit wrong, culminating in a ridiculous scene.

Absolutely no cop impact on the situation and him one of the most wanted men in the US.

Re Todd, he was always a superb character but I think they relied on him quite a bit to anchor this film. Rather bizarre that the actor couldn’t lose a stone to play the guy - that made a bit of a mockery of it.

I’d say that Gilligan conceived and wrote that in a day.

Jaysus you’re very hard to please.

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The series spoiled me in fairness. It was unbelievable.

I watched it last night and thought it was pretty meh to be honest. It was like an extended episode where not much happened. Speaking to someone who watched it on Saturday and they said it was alright but they found themselves on their phone during parts of it and that’s exactly what happened to me last night.

Same here actually.

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The series was only a 7/10 job at best… first two seasons were meh … the next couple were excellent in fairness ---- it then ran out of steam and the story line was spread way too thin — lots of filler with very little happening and then they’d have the big shock ending every time that would bring you back for very little but another shock ending.

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It was like watching paint dry.

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Yeah I thought that was the weakness of it. It was just like another long episode. Slow moving. It was grand. I watched it while surfing TFK

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It took me a while to work out which scene this was.

Ah get out of it!

Go back to Fargo.

Your cup of tea so.

Go way out of that, ya big steamer. It was one of the greatest tv series ever made since time began.

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What? - I think that’s a fairly honest appraisal of how the show went… first couple of season were slow but grand — then we had lift off for a couple of seasons, then there was a lot of noise without much happening … it’s a good show but a tad over hyped… I’ve never had the inclination to go watch it again like I have done with other shows.

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the wire is far superior

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Mos def.

Breaking bad is vastly over rated


Thank you Julio.

You’re fucking over rated.

Didn’t bother finishing it. It was ok for a bit but never brilliant. And then got boring pretty quickly.