Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Or open a training school on how to be a “professional drinker”. They like their pint, but wouldn’t be as streetwise as the Paddy when it comes to getting plastered. I’ve come across a few who don’t know Ireland is not in the UK…

They are right about Northern Ireland.

I’ve been watching Spotlight on the Troubles - A Secret History. It’s maddeningly biased and is almost gleeful in its telling of how the Provos were infiltrated by British intelligence. I’d recommend it for Boycott and other Brits but the IFSC brigade should avoid.

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I’ve seen about 4 episodes of it.

Agree. All about the Ra and very little about the others.

I did find one of the lady presenters attractive I must say.

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Agreed with this about series. Movie is only ok.

‘The Mandalorian’ finished well after being a bit meh in the earlier episodes. Looking forward to season 2.

It’s the greatest TV show ever made.

2 seasons in. The Expanse is splendid.

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It only gets better every season (although I haven’t watched the latest one yet).

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Decided to watch Watchmen over the last 10 days or so. I normally ain’t big into these types of shows or movies but kept an open mind.

Took a few episodes to lay the foundations abd get going but from around episode 5 - the looking glass origin story - it really took shape and was an excellent watch especially the penultimate episode which was outstanding

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Sophie Cookson who plays Christine Keeler in the new BBC drama is unrale.


good show so far

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An absolutely stupendous show. Just off the charts good.

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Dracula on BBC 1 has started well.

It’s absolutely unreal and I could never get into any of the star wars movies. Just a pity the season was so short and snappy with just eight episodes and a lot of them around 30-35mins in length, but quality wise it is fantastic.


Its a great show alright

Highly recommended. A super retelling with some imaginative twists and turns.

I’m two episodes into The Morning Show and I’m enjoying it.


Looking forward to seeing this, has been well rated.

This will be good fun around here

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