Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Started Chernobyl last night and finishing it tonight. Must be my fifth time watching it. The first and last episodes, in particular, are as good as anything ever committed to film. It’s a masterpiece


Reese Witherspoon’s thing on Amazon, all the little fires, or something like that, is grand… Really good from episode 3-7 but the ending was poor.

Sheer perfection. Pure drama of a storyline but executed beautifully.

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It’s incredible. The writer really plays on people’s knowledge of the accident. In episode 1, the viewer knows it’s a lot worse than what the plant workers think.

However, the gradual realization of just how devastating it was and how it was covered up builds through it. It’s truly epic.


Tehran on Apple TV. Israeli propaganda is fair decent.

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Fauda in the same vein, good watch too


Started rewatching Entourage.

What a show.

@peddlerscross is a big fan

Never seen it.

Sorry, mixed you up with someone else

The first 3 or 4 seasons were very good,then it just turned into a cameo fest.Went to shit after .

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Big time, although the movie was wasn’t as bad as I feared

Johnny Drama made the show.


Fact.Himself and turtle stole the show every week.

Ari Gold.


Turtle was about as funny as a kid contracting cancer


Babs was some bit of gear :heart_eyes:

That show wouldnt cut it now … the woke crew would have it shut down after season 1.

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Dana and Ari was a pure love

Billy Walsh was a legend

Billy Walsh - forgot about him. Great shout. He had more rebrands than a tfk poster. A legend