Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

finally started watching cobra kai last night, not heavyweight by any standards but still entertaining enough.

sweep the fucking leg!

Skirt suit.

Watched the first episode of the Deuce last night. Worth continuing with?


Great character. Think he was based on Vincent Gallo?

Stopped watching it after maybe 4 series but it was a great laugh for a while

So easy to watch. Lovely escapism. Never took itself too seriously

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According to interviews on the season 2 DVD, the Billy character was inspired mainly by American television producer “Mad Skillz Tommy Schillz” Tom Schiller of Norwood, New Jersey. With bits of Entourage writer Rob Weiss as well as Vincent Gallo sprinkled in.

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That’s for sure :grin:

The film is one of the worst films I’ve ever seen which it loses marks for

Clearing a backlog lately. Starting True Detective tonight

Is season 3 of True Detective any good? Season 2 put me off it tbh

In isolation yes it is a decent watch but nowhere near as good as season one

S03 well worth watching, Mahershala is a genius

Yeah that’s what I was thinking.

Dexter was brilliant.

Particularly Dokes.

“Suprise Motherfucker!”

Hopefully 8 years as a lumberjack hasn’t slowed him down

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No it isn’t imo

It’s a grand show, but absolutely ruined by the utterly bizarre decision to have him play both of the main characters.

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If they cunt the porn angle out of the show it had great potential.

Very Freudian