Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

I was only watching Dr. Pimple Popper to find out how to get away from it

I found it poor enough.
Did you not find the countless synchronised swat teams a bit boring?


A bit. But think there setting the scene

I’m very much enjoying this. A solid 7/10.

Vincent Browne on the intro :rofl:

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Yeah a few episodes in Ireland get a bit of a bashing re the financial crisis and the snippet of VB is in relation to this

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Laia Costa is a natural beauty.

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Agreed. Just started watching this and it’s a good laugh. Plenty of funny characters in it so far. Only about half way though season one.

It gets better and better as it goes on. You really start rooting for every single character. Every season is an improvement


so many great characters,
but none as great as Bob


Ah he’s brilliant. Him and Ronnie riffing away.
Didn’t realise until I was into season 2 that the waitress (Twyla?) is a daughter of Levy as well.

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I gave up on Schits Creek halfway through season two. I just didn’t find it one bit funny or interesting


Each to their own pal. If the whole world had the same taste, it would be a very bland place

Same as that. Felt it deserved a chance past S01, because something like Parks and Rec was shit for its first season, but while Parks & Rec is an all time classic, Creek just never rose its game imho.

I think after the first season of Parks and Rec they changed the structure (less of the mockumentary stuff) after feedback at end of season 1. A wise move. Final series was flat enough from what I recall

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Is it possible to follow and enjoy Wandavision if you know nothing about the Marvel universe? Saw the first two episodes and on the fence

Possibly not tbh.

Go back and start with Iron Man there

Can you bullet point all the Marvel films for me?

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You’ll need Luis for that

I watched it after watching Iron man a bit. My young lad is driven demented by my amateur hour questions.

I’d nearly go back and watch them all if I could free up time from tfk.

I went back and watched them all before embarking on wandavision. A worthwhile investment with the veritable cornucopia of Easter eggs in it

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