Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

I heard that during filming the locals tipped off the OCG that the ‘Peelers’ were around the corner.

I would say in general the majority of cops are straight,

Of course they are… We have probably been introduced to maybe 100 bent coppers throughout LOD… There are probably over 100k cops in the UK… So the fact that a series, focusing on corrupt cops, focuses on the corrupt ones is hardly supposed to be taken as a view of police force as a whole


there are far too many corrupt cops in this Tv show which focuses on corrupt cops!

Shouldn’t there be some element of realism to it though?

Same thoughts,hes outstanding, didn’t like lucky man or whatever u call it,was ok ish at best

Like what? Spend 20 mins of each show sitting a car on the motorway pointing a speed gun?

There is about 1000 more unrealistic things going on in LOD!


Obviously not but have some semblance of realism to it.


Drinking tae and stamping passport application forms.

I’m not watching this, but by God I’ll give it a whirl now after seeing that tweet.


What’s the name of that mid-east show lads were on about? About jihadi or something

Watching Goliath on amazon prime… Easy watch it’s decent


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The cunt has never let a bandwagon pass without hopping on

Is that the one with Billy Bob?


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I’ve seen the first two seasons, it’s good without being amazing but enjoyable… Did you watch Sneaky Pete?

Never heard of that

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