Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

She won’t be dead anyway whatever happened. Maybe your wan Kates boss shot him

Is it The Bill the lads are watching?

Baaaaaaaa baaaaaaa

A fucking abandoned car park ffs and she knowing well she was being setup

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She fancies herself as a top cop and she walking into ambushes every other day

Funny to hear Chloe telling Hastings and Arnott about a Stephen Lawrence type case 17 years ago and the lads being completely clueless about it!

I will qualify the following by saying I’m easily amused. It’s easy bore holes in the plot but for its longevity it’s still very enjoyable. Links to prior cases in prior series are used quite well to keep the current series going. Excellent show.

You need to have LineOfDutypedia open for every episode now "We looked into it boss, and it turns out DI Dodgyface is a blood relative of none other than Johnny Wasinanepisodeonce! " stunned looks all round in AC-12.


It looks like James Nesbitt will be making an entrance soon as yet another dirty cop.

You’d have to say it looks that way.

Very odd that another dirty cop is going to appear in this show :man_shrugging:

Very confusing that Nesbitt is going to be playing a dirty cop in two different BBC shows aired in quick succession

It’s it going to be a Northern Ireland link to Hastings? Nothing would surprise me.

@Big_Dan_Campbell , I’m enjoying the show.

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Ya I need to go back and watch all the previous seasons again because I haven’t a breeze

It’s a good one. Surprised it didn’t get much more acclaim at the time

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It was already referenced in previous series re NI link

didnt mercurio write or produce them both?

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also carmichael was brilliant last night

A quick Google suggests he is an exec producer whatever that means!