Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

It appears you know already.

No I didn’t.

I just thought from the ending that would be it.

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Clarkson’s Farm is out with a new series today.

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I get the appeal Last Of Us, I can see the value and merit of it, but I’m not sure I’m able for deadly depressing apocalyptic tv anymore. There’s a place for that sort of thing but I think I’d prefer to spend my time watching tv that actually gives you some hope in life and humanity.

That latest episode, fucking hell :smiling_face_with_tear:

Life’s too short.

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Fauda is meant for you.

It wouldn’t appear to be

Agreed. Started off grand but went to shit pretty quick.


Hell, hell, hell of a show. Jesus. Zendaya is incredible in it, but fucking hell, if its in anyway reflective of a percentage of teenage life in America nowadays…

Episode 6

The jumping out the gates of episodes 1 & 2 is now a distant memory. But we’re back on track after 3 & 4 meandered. 6 coaxes you along doing just enough, developing the plot before leaving you on the ultimate cliffhanger :eek:

Roll on next week.

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I saw a bit of that a while ago (think it was the first season) and I couldn’t finish one episode.

It was embarrassingly bad I thought.

It’s awful auld twee shite.

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Ted Lasso is a fantastic show.

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Some lads don’t get it, they can’t see the layers of the onion

Whose EPL team talk consisted of ‘these will be fucking up for it’ Was it Lamps, or Ole or Carrick? Can’t remember now but it made Ted seem like a genius comparatively

Glad to see it’ll be the last. Great show but plot running thin. Short of the Da and/or one of the kids being killed off and new character brought in, only so many times you can move the same chairs around.

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