Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 2)

Episode 2 decent too.

This is a runner

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Same. I havent bothered watching the last episode.

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You think theyā€™d stop digging. But no.

Ah I liked it . The storylines of true detective are never the strongest part, the characters are what makes it . Most are haunted by their past . They also really captured the eeriness and solitude of Alaska.

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Iā€™m watching Sexy Beast on IPTV. Its a prequel series to The Ray Winstone/Ben Kingsley movie. 3 episodes in and itā€™s very enjoyable.


Watched them both and agree.

Need more tv and or movies based on eastern history. Mad bastards for centuries upon centuries

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Kingsley is some maniac in the movie


He is. The chap that olays him in this one does a fair job too. The characterā€™s back story is toe curling. Tamsin Greig plays his sister and gives an absolute Tour de France.

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Enjoyable fare.

Rape scene a tad bit haunting thoā€¦

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Iā€™ve started it twice and fallen asleepā€¦ 3rd times the charm.

Itā€™s class. I love all that Japanese fuedal shit. Actually had to learn it in history class in secondary. Always found it fascinating

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I nearly fell off the sofa.

The Completely Made Up Adventures of Dirk Turpin been an easy watch with a few handy laughs. Noel Felding fare.

Laugh Out Loud Canada has Colin Mochrie and Tom Green among others. The two boys are different gravy at this shit

Enjoyed the first couple episodes but it was a bit of a chore to get through after that.

Just finished the five seasons of Queen of the South. Mexican American sicario dramatic drug dealing shoot-em-up stuff. Good mind numbing stuff, but wouldnā€™t be winning any scriptwriting awards.

Those type seem to be 2 a penny on Netflix

This ran out of steam badly. 8 episodes was about 4 too many.

I watched the first 3 episodes this week and was debating going on with it. Should I pull the plug on it now? Thought it was only ok

To be honest it gets worse from there so i would say cut your losses!

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