TV Tonight

Brenda Power is my breathy reactionary right wing female hack of choice in that regard.

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She was the one on the programme tonight.

Herself, Alison O’Connor and yer one Anne Lucey from Kerry fill a lovely niche in these shows.

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I thought he had only ripped off the banks which I didn’t mind so much, I’m sorry to hear the stories of the people he took money from.

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Brenda Power has a very sexy voice.

Yeah. I didn’t realise that either. People’s life savings. He seemed to be shameless.

Having a solicitor that was straight and honest run his law practice seems to have been the mistake that eventually led to his downfall.

Leanne is PISSED lads.

Katie Hannon is a complete bluffer.

An established presenter makes a complete balls of enunciating the diocese of Achonry on live tv.

Out, out………

The second part of the Michael Lynn documentary was on last night. It was mighty stuff. He was some piece of work. The type of fella who would fall into a swimming pool of shit and come out smelling of roses.

He was arrested in Brazil while he was watching mayo win the 2013 all ireland semi final. He then spent 4.5 years in a Midnight Express type jail fighting extradition. The prison was run by gangsters but he eventually managed to get himself a relatively comfortable stay with foreign prisoners awaiting extradition. While in prison he managed to wangle conjugal visits from his wife and he got her up the duff twice in the 4 years. Better shooting than the Mayo lads mentioned above in fairness.

When he was eventually extradited he got bail in ireland and at his first trial gave a tour de france in the witness box and charmed the jury enough that they were undecided. He basically blamed the banks and said they knew what he was at all along. For his second trial 18 months later he was strangely subdued. He was sentenced to 16 years got it reduced to 14 and managed to convince the judge that the 4.5 years served in brazil should count double in ireland so he only has to serve 4 or 5 years here and is due out shortly.

The appearance of Alan Shatter as a talking head made Lynn only the second biggest cunt on show and that moany Power one from the Irish Times pushed him hard for that spot. If it wasn’t for the small investors he conned i would have been half rooting for him. The small investors featured on the program were both from Kerry. Lynn deserves respect for managing to find, not just one but two naive Kerry men. I’d say we haven’t heard the last of him. There is a film in this story.


Does she need glasses? I’ve watched the show a few times and have thought she can’t see the autocue.

Classic TFK

A concise report of the programme but I’ve come to the conclusion that Lynn is possibly the most narcissistic fucker I’ve seen. He’d reached the point of becoming untouchable in his own head with a swagger to him that would leave even the Donald limping along.
Hard to know if there funds stashed away, Irish banks aren’t overly adept at chasing money trails but he’s managed to avoid the rigours of genpop in Recife unscathed. Agree with the comment - he’ll resurface…

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As a politician?

He’s from Mayo - they keep coming back.

Watched it back there on the Player. I knew a nice lady who worked for him in the practice in Blanchardstown. He was an unmerciful cunt to work for. He also stitched up his legal partner Fiona McAleenan, signing the undertakings in her name.
The wife must have been a grasping cunt too to stick with him.
The dreary Ken Murphy wheeled out of retirement to bat for the Law Society.

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Just watching this back now.

Outstanding stuff. Jeez he’s gone up a lot in my estimation.

It was the banks who wanted to fuck the little guys a lot more than Lynn too.


The audiobook the fugitive was the basis for the program I think well worth a listen if you want more detail.

George looks well for 74