Twitter (Part 1)

I don’t. Where did I say that? FFS

Oh right?

You just mentioned bombings.

You must have been dead set against the 1916 rising happening on this island. We really should have held it in Leeds or Sheffield in hingsight.

How can you compare the bottom three, occupation by foreign armies, with the top two, a struggle for rights by a community?

Unless you think afrikaners or ulster protestants who have lived in those countries for hundreds of years are ‘occupiers’ or imperialists

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The O6 was occupied by a foreign army also.

No it wasn’t. Tread carefully here now, were the ra protecting their community, somewhat justifiable, or driving occupiers into the sea? In a statelet where the majority have always desired to remain part of the UK

Anybody going to take this ?

The majority of the people in northern Ireland were british subjects and happy to remain that way

That’s a fair point in fairness. It was a one-off on that scale though

Not really, look at the civilian loss in life in the ensuing War of Independence and Civil Wars which were all carried out on this island. They lasted about what 6 years? The Troubles went on for a good 30.

Not really. No different to despots/dictatorships being overthrown in their own land to imperialism to foreign occupying forces in a disputed zone - they are different shades of gray when it comes to rebellions. People will only put up with being downthrodden for so long before pushing back and history has shown that when they do they will do whatever is deemed necessary to to force establishments hand. History has shown that for the most part it is almost impossible to break that type of will in rebellious forces barring the powers that be coming back at them with even more aggression and callousness.

for the love of God start the hurling!

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There is no comparison of russians rolling into Afghanistan and ulster protestants in a majority of the population forming a government there. The latter isnt despotism.

If you believe thats what the ira were doing, fighting an occupier, then they surrendered entirely without achieving their goal.

Would there be as much conflict in the Gaza Strip if Palestinians had the same civil rights as Israelis and their land wasn’t be encroached on? Would we have had the same troubles in the north if they hadn’t brought in measures to remove civil rights from the catholic/nationalist community? This is a theme the world over.

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Is there an area of land catholics are confined into where they don’t enjoy the same rights as protestants. You are conflating entirely different conflicts

Times change, they believed militant action had taken them as far as it could and they could see that out democratically. Time will tell if that was correct or not.

I don’t think we would have seen anything like the bloodshed in Northern Ireland if every citizen of the occupied six had the same rights. I don’t blame downthrodden people for taking up arms to fight back.

It is far from an isolated case, it has happened many times across the world

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Yes as is said it was a civil rights issue within a country. You are making bizarre comparisons to despots and occupying armies.

But even if they had the same rights, there still would have been a valid unionist majority for the history of that state, not a minority rule as in south Africa, or a foreign occupier as in Afghanistan.

The better analogy would be the civil rights movement in the states.

The state was created on a gerrymandered basis.

The free state quislings should have that on their conscience - if they had one.


Not really, Puerto Rico and their struggles/rebellions against the US in the 50s and 60s is probably a far more apt comparison if we are using the US based examples.

The north came about through British imperialism, hence why it can easily be grouped with some of the others I have mentioned earlier. I have little interest debating whether you think that is valid or not.

Even taking Northern Ireland out of this. There is a trend which is back up many many times around the world as to how these type of conflicts came about and what happened during them. I would doubt there is one where the oppressors came out on the right side of history.