Twitter (Part 1)

My god

And his claim has failed to be substantiated, nor will it be.

Youā€™re neurotic, its something that should concern you.

So thatā€™s yet another victory for me, a rare backtrack from you though :+1:

Strange that you see being neurotic as a victory.

An internet victory over one as stoopid as you isnā€™t much but Iā€™ll take it, it must have killed you to follow the trail back :laughing:

Youā€™re imagining things again, Mary Poppins. You donā€™t even seem to remember what you were stating initially now

Oh I do, you asked Glenshane where you called somebody a bigot having repeatedly and bizarrely spent the morning calling me one, :grinning:

No I didnā€™t. You seem to have problems reading.

I asked where I said there was something wrong with being Protestant. Your neurosis adds to your embarrassment.

Oh he did, I pointed it out above.

Have you no pallets to move around, this is s bizarre use of your time

You pointed out something completely at odds with the message youā€™re trying to paint. You seem to be too stupid to realise this as you type away from your computer with a pair of big rosy cheeks. It will get there eventually.


Itā€™s axiomatic.

Do you think the people who protested about the George Zimmerman verdict felt that trial had opened huge faultlines about the treatment of racial issues in US society, or would you hold back on that until you had asked them all personally?

Strange behaviour but I expect that.
Glenshane asked why you call somebody else a bigot, you replied ā€˜whereā€™? That was where this started, itā€™s up there, you are wrong as usual, the more this goes on the dumber it makes you seem, if thatā€™s even possible

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It certainly isnā€™t axiomatic. Thatā€™s why I asked you how you knew.

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@Horsebox completely out of his depth here

Youā€™d know all about that.

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Thatā€™s your problem right there, and if you genuinely believe that then it makes sense for you to spend so much time railing against people online.

Iā€™d say social media is a reasonable facsimile of the more extreme ends of opinion in a country. The vast majority of the population I would suggest post infrequently or never about topical affairs.


Why donā€™t you go out and ask a few of the protestors if one is still going on near you?

Or, maybe fire off a tweet putting the point I made (Iā€™ll let you claim it as your own) to one of your favourite ā€œfeminazisā€ like Una Mullally or Louise Oā€™Neill?

Or understand the nuanced nature of life

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I believe her ā€¦ despite only hearing half the evidence through snippets on social media ā€¦ I still wholeheartedly believe her ā€¦

Thatā€™s what these protestors are more or less sayingā€¦ Most of them are also crying about Ireland letting women down again ā€¦ eh, it was tried in a British court of law, love ā€¦

it just shows, most of it is just over-emotional reaction to something they havent the first notion about.

Pretty much how @KOS1987 was carrying on here for 5 weeks.