Twitter (Part 1)

Social media is increasingly becoming a barometer of real public opinion. This forum and other forums are social media too.

If social media wasn’t a hugely important and accurate barometer of public opinion, politicians wouldn’t go to the lengths they do to try and influence it.

It’s becoming increasingly more important by the year as more and more young people get their views from it.

It’s because social media appeals to the extreme ends of the spectrum that we’re getting extreme political outcomes.

Disregarding that is head in the sand stuff.

Embarrassing you had to even type those words…

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I was not long of this earth.

They’re a perfect description of yourself, actually as well as the majority of posters on this forum. It’s just that you tend to rail against people over completely irrelevant topics while I rail against people who have genuinely vile views and/or treat serious issues as a joke.

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St. Sidney the martyr – where would the world be without your sacrifices…

That last line is some laugh given some stuff you’ve posted…


He didn’t ask me that. I responded where to him saying I said there was something wrong with Protestants. This is no record of that so it’s a bizarre allegation.

Where does one even begin with this piece of opportunism …

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Lookit dopey, i pointed out the exchange above, are you so stoopid as to not be able to follow a very simple dialogue of three posts, God almighty this is madness.

These people are too stupid for words

Once more @Cicero_Dandi

Yeah, what we need to do is stop all sex education, or something.

I don’t know what the second sentence there means, mate.

Baby, let’s talk about you and me, let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be

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You need to learn about FRIES. Heard this on the Pat Kenny show this morning. It is the acronym that is being used in these consent classes in universities.


Downright irresponsible.

I expect it from morons like Aodhan and the far left, I would expect better from the SocDems.


I know about basic decency and respect to a woman in a situation like that.

Go into the rugby schools or other institutions that foster this sense of self entitlement .

Most of us know when to listen

CHIPS would be a far better acronym for the rape apologists on this forum.


Yes once more. I asked where I said there was something wrong with Protestants. The penny might eventually drop or it might not, that really depends on the extent of your well established stupidity.

Yeah, but that’s sort of a given when your level of comprehension skills are involved, so there was no need to point that out.