Twitter (Part 1)

Would not enjoy your day off and stop engaging him?


@backinatracksuit needs to consubstantiate this allegation.

I was chatting to a lady yesterday about this case. She was about 30 . She informed me that her younger brother and his mates have started getting women to text them that they are consenting in order`to have a record of it! Madness.

Weird that youā€™re still following after I put it up in black and white
You are referring to a different conversation than the one I was involved in, I put up the post and your response, are you really as thick as you are pretending to be? Unbelievable, :rofl:

Ya thatā€™s the other side.

Women can be every bit as cuntish as men. They use their brain, lads their brawn.

Itā€™s as old as time

I look forward to the forthcoming ā€œInboxā€ campaign with its slogan of:

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You should try looking forward to some fresh air fella. Youā€™re a mess.


Iā€™ve destroyed all comers over the last 24 hours, and well you knowā€™t.


the women haters have taken an awful pasting

well done a chara

Good man @sidney. Iā€™m sure you have.

Poor Juhy doesnā€™t know what to think after Aodhan Oā€™Riordainā€™s tweet yesterday.

Heā€™s confused and reeling.

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You wonā€™t find a bigger snowflake than McNally on the right.

big time- he has been stiched up like a kipper

  1. I am not on Twitter.
  2. I donā€™t know what you are referencing when you state ā€œthe point I madeā€.
  3. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever used the term feminazi before.
  4. I donā€™t know who Louise Oā€™Neill is.

Iā€™m not sure if maybe you just confused me with another poster, mate.

You have done nothing of the sort. Youā€™re only serving to keep reminding people that your level of stupidity is very high. The penny may eventually drop with you but itā€™s looking unlikely.

This is great fun, you can argue that black is white all you want but the evidence is there in black and white, youā€™re a gas cunt all the same :grinning:

I think the irony of you calling somebody else confused when you had just admitted to being confused yourself is lost on you.

Hot to trot, make any manā€™s eyes pop
She use what she got to get whatever she donā€™t got
Fellas drool like fools, but then again theyā€™re only human
The chick was a hit because her body was boominā€™
Gold, pearls, rubies, crazy diamonds
Nothinā€™ she ever wore was ever common
Her dates heads of state, men of taste
Lawyers, doctors, no one was too great for her to get with
Or even mess with, the Prez she says was next on her list

Nice evasion, mate. Ignore the fact that your point made absolutely no sense and turn it around on me. Chalk that up as a victory. You are the king of the INTERNET.

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Yesterday he became an irrelevance on here. He took the mother and father of INTERNET beatings. Once the stakes were raised he folded like a lawn chair

Heā€™ll hang around as he wonā€™t be banned but nobody takes him seriously anymore.

Heā€™s a beaten docket, a busted flush, a washout