Twitter (Part 1)

Dance, monkey, dance, as you might say yourself.

Except an actual monkey has far more brainpower than you.

Outing yourself as a rape apologist as you did is the surest of sure ways to make yourself a beaten docket on the internet.

However Iā€™d be far more concerned about the wellbeing of any people who actually have to cross paths with as perverted an individual as you in real life.

On Twitter

Seems to be a strong correlation between the #IBelieveHer mob and those involved in #RepealThe8th.

Those people out protesting today after being given 24hours notice - have they no jobs to go to?


Weird. I know you like to think you know everything but It seems in your abject flurry of idiocy yesterday you missed me quoting his tweet and giving my considered response. Got me a few likes too. It doesnā€™t have to be adversarial all the time you know.

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Itā€™s madness at the highest order. And not a single soul out protesting when Europe left us with the 200 billion tab.


What about Dara Florence? She is being blackguarded.
Thousands of outraged snowflakes donā€™t believe her.



It was during lunch break, thatā€™s why @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy was able to pop down on his bike and show solidarity.

Virtue signalling or attention seeking?

No idea, tis mad goings on thoā€¦

Heā€™s a bit of a mad bastard, hard to know

Alison Morris from the Irish news spoke earlier. Sheā€™s a decent journalist with plenty of court experience, sheā€™s also a fairly typical feminist with the usual saw credentials.
She attended much of the trial and stated categorically that she absolutely believed the verdict was the correct one. It didnā€™t stop her man shaming thoughā€¦ shouldnā€™t play for Ireland misogyny etc.

She better careful or the lads here will be calling her a rape supporter and a woman hater.

Todayā€™s feminism teaches British women to see themselves as victims and victims cannot exist without a villain, in this instance ā€“ men. In order for this thesis to have any kind of logic, feminists have made sweeping, inaccurate judgments about an entire demographic, based on nothing more than their gender. Ironically, the exact practice they claim to be fighting.

Is it time for men to fight back?

Shut up you gimp.

Fuck off you cunt.

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Didnt I just tell you to shut the fuck up, you loser.

I donā€™t think you did.

Yes. Intelligent debate is the way to go :point_up:

Ok, sorry bro.