Twitter (Part 1)

Yeah a strong overlap.
I’d nearly be tempted to vote to keep the abortion ban to watch a meltdown of a subset of society.


I drop by the old e-neighbourhood every so often…a bit of banter and then off again…some great wit on view here but also truth be told it’s sad to see some of the lads just getting odder and odder…


Who you on about mate?


a great bit of banterering


Smacked of opportunism

Post reported.

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@anon26343222 did turn up


Limerick bantz.

That hat looks vaguely familiar.

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If I turned up to that it was to level @backinatracksuit and his feminazi party to the ground with an o connell hurley. #Ibelievedara


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Look at this shit. Slugger is normally a more than decent site that invites a broad spectrum of journalists and welcomes commentary from whoever.
The comments section is the making of the site and central to its existence. Articles themselves are often secondary to debate.
Here we see the comments disabled and instead we are presented with an inappropriate deliberate slur in the outcome of the trial.

The reference to the high bar for criminal prosecution as if that is a bad thing is batshit crazy. It is cornerstone of our democracy.

The semantics about not guilty versus innocent highlights why defendants should be given anonymity in these cases before a conviction.

A refusal to accept a jury verdict is worrying.


Ya but really what could happen? Fuck all really.

It’s just flavour of the month hysteria.

There will be something else soon

At least it’s not as embarrassing as it is for the Aussie and their ball scratching​:joy::joy::joy:

we are from Ireland mate, we dont have jury trials for a lot of cases, its as corrupt as fuck, when you take that into account you are talking shit

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It’s been another bad week for you pal. You are now moving from a poster who liked to prod people with little wry comments to lashing out

It’s fascinating to watch.

Who’s from Ireland?

You leave my old mate @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy alone

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