Twitter (Part 1)

Great opportunity for the lads to replenish the coffers. Should be a slam dunk against Aodhan. No better man than Joe McVeigh in your corner. I wonder though has Joe left himself open to a libel action from personnel in the Northern Ireland Punlic Prosecution Sercice after his press conference on Wednesday?

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It has #suemepaddy

Sue them all paddy. :grinning:

No, he’s entitled to criticise a public body.
The pps might have chosen their words more carefully, the same could be said for the psni. To come out immediately afterwards and praise the complainant is certainly open to question.

Pity some journalists hadn’t the wit to ask Joe to put aside his outrage about the prosecution ever going ahead and tell us all what his fees were for taking the case on.

About £1.5 million in total legal fees apparently. A “spenny” night out.

When a surgeon saves the life of a person in an accident does a journalist ask them how much they were paid for the operation?

Whatever Jackson paid his lawyers it was a lot less than the Crown invested to try and convict him.

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Money well spent. If I was in trouble with the criminal justice system, Joe is the man I’d want in my corner.

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Leinster set the benchmark when they signed Teo

That’s the way it’s gone these days.

These high profile cases are what criminal defence lawyers dream of. He will get a load of work off the back of it. And rightly so.

He was apparently the top dog up there to begin with before this case ever came along.

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Rosemary Nelson and Pat Finnucane were fairly handy in their time.


They’re lining up to call Jackson a rapist on Twitter now. It will be interesting to see how these people deal with what actually happens in the real world and the consequences for their actions.


I didn’t see you complaining when you were supporting your beloved Queensland.

That’s a clamping.

Someone on Twitter…

Hm. Someone’s going to learn about the Streisand effect given the #SueMePaddy hashtag, I suspect.

There aren’t that many in the world willing to line up and call him that.

Because most people are sensible.