Twitter (Part 1)

His honest opinion? Yes 100%

He clearly suggested that they are rapists but got away with it because of privilege /class/whatever.
If he was tweeting as a political representative etc that may be be significant.

Is honest opinion a defence to defamation?

You can have whatever opinions you like. Publishing them is a different matter

Some time back a prominent poster, lets call him @caoimhaoin, stated that the complainant was only in it for the money.

Presumably this now applies to Mr. Jackson?

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He didnā€™t publish an opinion tho.

Possibly, but a more sensible view might be that heā€™s in it to protect himself against such attacks.

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Another view is that he might need the money if a mistrial is called due to the foreperson of the juryā€™s phone and computer being examined and them being found to have done their own research on the trial as it progressed, against the orders of the judge.

No chance is this being tried again.

In the words of a learned man, an ā€œappalling vistaā€ has been opened up.

Youā€™ve made a big enough muppet of yourself without equating the cases.

Dont be silly

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Oh, defending the jury foreperson blabbing about the case on the internet within hours after being specifically instructed not to do so?

Whatever happened to respect for the justice system?

I would suggest that the chances of that juror not having done their own research during the trial are pretty slim.

It would appear the biggest ignorance and idiocy of all during this trial has come from within the jury itself, which is pretty staggering.

I was very surprised at the speed of the jury outcome.

I read the screenshots of the jurorā€™s comments.

She said they had been effectively deliberating for over a week.

She sort of made it sound like they didnā€™t pay full attention to the closing statements.

I was absolutely astonished to read the following from the juror in relation to the complainant: ā€œMummy and Daddy live in South Belfast in a million pound houseā€.

Not only does it give clues to the complainantā€™s identity, but it shows a flippant and dismissive attitude towards her based on her social class.

Which is tremendously ironic given the commentary weā€™ve heard over the last couple of days.

Seriously, you couldnā€™t make this shit up.

Itā€™s all open to interpretation tho Sid.

In relation to Jacksonā€™s action against Oā€™Riordainā€™s tweet, thereā€™s another irony - Jacksonā€™s lawyer himself said the following:

ā€œWe say that it was his status as a famous sportsman that drove the decision to prosecute in the first place."

So, while on the one hand Jackson is fuming at Oā€™Riordain supposedly appearing to call the judicial process into question based on questions of status, Jackson and his lawyer are themselves calling into question the judicial process based on questions of status.

Iā€™m not sure if they see the irony, but itā€™s a bit rich, which is exactly what Mr. Jackson is now aiming to become by getting handouts from the courts.

Poor rocko


Iā€™m not entirely sureā€¦ what you mean