Twitter (Part 1)

Be hilarious If Ewan ended up in a Brazilian jail after the pat hickey Case.

Yeah, because fascists locking up journalists is hilarious, or something something

Your point is obviously correct. But however much Ewan fancies himself as a hotshot journalist heā€™s nothing like it. Heā€™s a poor writer who had carved out a niche as a contrarian who takes lazy potshots at easy targets. Sending in pisspoor opinion pieces articles based internet ā€˜researchā€™. Trying to maintsin a profile by attacking people on Twitter. His article on froome a year or two ago was a perfect example, stats taken from others articles or the internet and patched together haphazardly. Poorly written. His presumably drunken tweet about Jim Gavin the other night is an example of what he is. Seething and incomprehensible.


I didnā€™t make any comments about the standard of Ewanā€™s writing, pal

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I didnā€™t think a no mark site like Pundit Arena would have the cash to be sending @Ewan to the Copa America. I canā€™t recall @Ewan providing any match reports either

I donā€™t think the current Brazilian government will feel the need to arrest Ewan .

Unless heā€™s a bagman for Athy drugs gangs

You are attempting to ride two horses with the one arse here. Ewan calling Lowry a fascist is disgraceful carry on. As was his sneering of Johnny Cooperā€™s stabbing. As was his personal attack on Jim Gavin at the weekend. He is a nasty, attention seeking fool with the journalism skills of a chimp. Your championing of him reflects poorly on you.


Careful now, that could confuse him

Weā€™ve all been there

Ewan gets most of his stuff from here.


He had an article about giraffes in tennis recently


Ewan talks a serious amount of nonsense, the only things he is right about are the Dubs and Rugby.


So you are saying theres no correlation. On that basis the whole sports science industry is a con job, if it offers no assistance whatsoever.

Why then did dublin ask for more funding?

Why then has there success rate gone through the roof since receiving it? And especially why have their hurlers gone from nowhere to provincial titles, league title, all ireland semi. All a co incidence. The other advantages, population, home games atc were there beforehand.

If the figures are disputed as you say can you show how they are, no use just saying so

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What did he say about jonny cooper?

He gave his opinion on jim gavin, not delicately put, and possibly while drunk or whatever. but his own opinion and heā€™s even withdrawn it.

You are trying to dismiss things you cant dispute simply by associating them with his outlandish claims. The lowry is a fascist one is bizarre, but has no relevance to his theory on dublins success due to overfunding. You only wish they were connected.

I posted that above. He also half apologised for his post about Jim Gavin advising that he was under a lot of stress that he had moved his wife and his dog to a different continent over the last few days. I hope he isnt having to run like a political exile. No-one deserves that

Heā€™s obviously not in a good place. Why he feels the need to engage with every idiot on twitter is beyond me. The dubs jumping on here though is very revealing

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Its bizarre really why he needs to argue his case. If his case is strong enough make it in the article and let the article stand on its own merits, like most journos.

First of all - its Ewan (and you) who are making the accusation so the onus on proof is on you.

Yes, I believe in sport science and in the world of professional sport where you can attract better talent with money obviously there is an advantage. Iā€™m not sure it applies here though. Is Gavin paid while half the counties in the country piss money away paying managers (hat-tip Wexford)? Obviously you canā€™t buy in extra players in GAA.

Is there any sense that the Dublin senior panel budget is higher than that of say Mayo? Where are your facts?

After that, it gets fuzzy. Money invested in development at primary school level is a long way from causation.

Your point about success going through the roof since receiving funding is poor enough. Is that all you have. Correllation is exactly the point I made - my question is where is the causation. In the same period iPhone ownership in Dublin went through the roof. Is that the cause of success. It has as much validity as your ā€œproofā€.

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