Twitter (Part 1)

Is Davy paid?

I don’t recall seeing figures in the annu as long report.

Wexford GAA is in rude health with a profit of 450k last year.

Thanks for that. Ultimately, going away from all negative shit about funding and the inequalities etc, it does at least show a return on investment and it does work, which is the end goal.

Do you have those in playing numbers rather that percentages? That also seems to be a hard figure to get in many counties.

He made shite of him.

For the first time in years, Ewan actually went and did some reporting. He’s now claiming this was his D Day.

Plenty hard men quivering behind their keyboards tonight

Is Ewan coming home?

His wife must be furious

He couldn’t handle @anon32894817’s jibe about paying tax to a racist.


Did he get fucked out by the government.

Moving to portugal I believe

Smuggled out like the Von Trapp family in the sound of music .

Pity Ewan wouldn’t shut his Von Trapp on occadion

Portugal is a great choice. He’ll be able to watch the dubs do their warm weather training in January before the league starts.


Imagine he got to see all the Dubs accidentally bumping into each other pre christmas and going out for a run together…


Benfica and Porto won’t know what hit them

This guy above was the Comms Chief for a MP and obviously has access to the MPs twitter account. Just resigned through it.


That lad comes across as an unhinged flag waver.


It’s a great finish though. If you’re going to burn bridges let the flames be higher than a bonfire on the 12th