Twitter (Part 1)

Very FF of him.

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Martin McGuinness
Jeremy Corbyn
Nelson Mandela



Corbyn an apologist for terrorists. Mandela the only decent man there. So thats one polician, on the other side of the world you have as an example. Nothing in the uk or ireland but martins a slimeball. Got it.

Your trust in believing everything politicians spout is admirable.


Mandela was in the ANC

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What are you laughing at?

That what Martin McGuinness did was selfless, a life that meant he was on the run, his life under threat, career prospects gone, prison sentences and for what? That his people might be able to live in a state where Catholics were treated as equals?

Then you have Michael Martin who went around taking donations from dodgy property developers, lodging them into personal accounts and set up meetings with high ranking government officials, denied it then claimed he couldnā€™t remember it.

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You still havenā€™t told me how much claire daly got in settlement for her ā€˜wrongful arrestā€™

He was and was jailed for terrorist offences. But i donā€™t remember him standing over executions of innocent people.

Mandela was a terrorist by your definition.

The difference between career politicians like Martin and guys like Mandela, McGuinness and Corybn was Martin did everything for his own personal gain, regardless of who and what it impacted on whereas the other three did things they knew would have a negative impact on their own personal lives regardless because they believed in the betterment of society.

The cause of Michael Martin is Michael Martin - an utterly spineless coward.


Flesh that one out.

Yeah, shooting innocent people is for the betterment of society. You think im gonna waste time on you from that standpoint.

Google is your friend

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No go on tell me. You said it was a wrongful arrest, god you have me over a barrel here

Mandelaā€™s organisation bombed and shot innocent people.

Claire is shrewd enough not to pursue a case for political policing. She took the other routeā€¦

Claire is shrewd enough to convince morons to repeatedly vote her in, all the way to the EU gravy train. She piggybacked mccabe and tax cheat Wallace rode her coat tails

But nice to see you admit you were full of bluster on the wrongful arrest. Donā€™t believe everything you read on twitter

Any comment on Mandelaā€™s organisation killing innocents in bombings and shootings?

A terrible situation, very few places are comparable with apartheid SA, certainly none in Europe since the second world war. His bombing campaign against infrastructure was well thought out, im not sure how many innocent executions he over saw though. Thats pure evil.

Claire was smart enough to reject socialism and align politically with the developer class .

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