Twitter (Part 1)



Thereā€™s lots of them about mate. Could I have a clue?

The weather in America lends itself to takeaway.
Here, youā€™d just be shivering in the rain.

What I have noticed is that pretty much every Marriott Courtyard hotel in the US has its own in house starbucks which does a massive trade from 6am to 8am every day and fuck all after those hours.

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They actually have plenty of sit in stores. You just pay $50c when you buy a cup and theyā€™ll refill you for hours. Open at 5am so I could sit there and hammer through some GMT work for hours. The food is shit but actually a good bit better than the shit here.

They have the takeaway market cornered with Dunkin though, classic oligopoly. Lots of small stores and drivethroughs. Cold brew is also far more popular (weather influencing as you say) which has helped them avoid being usurped in my view.

The standard of takeaway coffee is streets ahead here and in Europe, one of the few things we do far better. Someone over there was delighting me in telling me about this new cool neighbourhood coffee store called Cafe Nero in Boston recently.

Iā€™ll vote SF. After I vote FF and possibly Green. A ringing endorsement indeed


Flatty will have his trophy home built by then, heā€™ll need to assuage his capitalist-overlord guilt somehow.

Heā€™s going to rail against parish pump politics after he votes for the lad that did him a favour


@flattythehurdler will have a vote in limerick & Galway so he will have real options

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Pat Campbell

I know mate. I like them more in America.

There was a Starbucks in Blackrock in the old Post Office which was great. They didnā€™t like the rent though sadly and went a few doors down.

Exactly mate. Iā€™m Irish to my boots. Iā€™ll fit right back in.

Itā€™s not a trophy home. Itā€™s just over 2200 square feet if planning is granted.

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@flattythehurdler is the antitheseis of most posters on here. Humble when he has every reason to be an arrogant twat.

Iā€™m a cunt of the very highest order. No humbleness in that.
As an aside, I heard some people sniggering at work this morning, and asked them what they were laughing at. They went quiet, and then one of the young wans informed me that Iā€™d become known for muttering open sesame to the automatic door. I hadnā€™t even realized I was doing it tbh.


Will you have a carport

If I do a sub 50 10k youā€™ll hear all about it.

I wonā€™t, but Iā€™ll have a steeltech down on the farm.
The one thing Iā€™ve asked for is a balcony on the first floor up out of the midgies, which the roof reaches out over like you see on the continent.

Would the gold merc not be in danger of rusting with all the salt air on the west coast?