Twitter (Part 1)

I have mate. I won’t go into details but it wasn’t the specific case I outlined above. I was quite friendly with the person involved irl.

It’s not common place and it does exist.

And as usual, opportunists are seeing the benefits and now are fraudulently claiming to identify as something. It’s all beyond fucked up

I was at a work thing last year where a trans staff member was wheeled out on stage in front of a group of workers while some aul one lectured staff on what to do if someone asks them where the toilets are. The trans person was cleary uncomfortable and sure why wouldn’t they be. It was bizzare.

I’d say everyone was uncomfortable :sweat_smile: That’s David Brent type shit

So what do you do if someone asks you where the toilet is?

Actually now that I recall there was a gay traveller chap up there with them. Both of them just sitting side by side while this one ranted on about the jacks. Brent would have cringed at it.

Well thats just bad luck right there.

No doubt it happens but people will play the cards their dealt and for some expressing that identity might be have been very difficult so no issue with them embracing it. Even if that verges on leaning on it. No there are some who consider a part of their identity to be the whole thing, trumping character and acts, thinking it shields them from criticism and that’s hard to take and wrong.

I’d have a far bigger issue with others, especially online,who would use another’s identity to sneer at the world to try show how much ‘better’ and enlightened they themselves are.

You don’t ask them “which” toilets they are looking for. You point them in the direction of the nearest one.

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What if they’re equally close?

What if ones upstairs and the others downstairs?

What if the person isnt trans and wanted the ladies, but you send them to the mens, and then they shit themselves trying to make it to the ladies.

This is a minefield.

That Linehan seems like a vile, oddball creep. It’s gas when celebrities reveal something of themselves like this. Why’s he bothered by transgender people anyway? Of course, it’s the “woke brigade” that get pilloried then when people take issue with him. God be with the days when TFK was a safe refuge for left leaning, anti-RNLI, barstool republicans. We’ve titled somewhat now and there’s a broad church of whataboutery merchants and white supermacists (cc @Arthur). I say fair play to Hozier for using his profile to smack Linehan down when Linehan was using his own to take potshots at a minority group.

Up the Ra.


It is.

Linehan has absolutely called out the hypocrisy of all this nonsense. He hasn’t been offensive towards trans people. He’s saying nobody is saying trans rights aren’t human rights. And he is right.

He’s nailed it here. Nobody really gives a fuck about feminism in the Western World any more because that cause is all over bar the shouting here. While in other parts of the World women are mutilated, nobody gives a fuck though, they’re too busy shouting for human rights they already have.

Selfish pricks

He has pretty much committed career suicide though, because you aren’t allowed to voice an opinion that diverges from the mobs


His career was over anyway.

Do you miss your safe space?

this is what he was responding to.

JK Rowling was defending her right to be called a woman, while being sympathetic with trans people and the trans crowd turned on her

some horrible shit was said to her, but the woke supported the trans

the best one is the one who accused Rowling of destroying her childhood

That’s Harry Potter gone now as well

I know, I posted it in the agenda thread. She had every right to say what she likes. That flake Radcliffe even came out against her, I knew he was a bad un from the time he was fluting around with young boys in Dublin.

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apologies I didn’t see it.

Harry Potter is racist as fuck - 10 books denouncing black magic and the dark lord.

It’s a rip off of LOTR ffs.

star wars - obi wan is gandalf like