Twitter (Part 1)

I read somewhere that JK Rowling was the only person to become a billionaire but then lose that status by giving so much to charity. Doesnā€™t matter though if she likes the wrong things on twitter apparently

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you have to live a life of ultimate virtue.
Twitter is a harder church than the Catholic Church ever was (in my lifetime) I realize the church got pretty stabby for a while


Itā€™s really not my cup of tea, I read the philosophers stone once for a class and it wasnā€™t the worst I suppose but Iā€™ve never watched any of the movies either,

But they must be absolutely mind blowing got kids, my eldest two read everything but nothing ever mesmerised them like Harry Potter, my 9 year old is onto it now and itā€™s the same,

Honest to God though, live and let live, if somebody acts the prick they deserve scorn but writing off massive groups of people with something on common is plain wrong, I donā€™t personally know any transgender people but if I did Iā€™d wish them happiness

JK thought that revising Dumbledore to be gay gave her a lifetime pass with the woke crew, little did she know.

That Thai Garden is a lovely place to eat the few times I went there years and years ago

No Lenihan is a cunt, has been bleeting on about trans for years. He started it off the bat years ago all by himself. Thereā€™s long-standing hatred for Lenihan because heā€™s been obsessed with the issue for years.

Hozier just made a very mild post about transrights are human rights, didnā€™t go near Lenihan and Lenihan jumped down his throat. Lenihanā€™s point was idiotic - ā€œhow can you say transrights are human rights when people are attacking JK Rowling about her opinions on trans people?ā€ Why the fuck should Hozier give a fuck about that? Is Hozier supposed to single handedly police the Internet, or even the world?

Even your point about the treatment of women in 3rd world countries- Iā€™m sorry but what a load of whataboutery bollocks. Iā€™m fairly sure Hozier doesnā€™t support FGM. Maybe heā€™s right to focus on his own country where he has some influence instead of trying to cure the entire ills of humanity. If we have to ensure equal treatment of women in every country in the world before we can talk about transrights in Ireland then we will be waiting hundreds of years with nothing done.

I donā€™t think Lenihan even made that point, as far as I can see you just put all that in Lenihanā€™s mouth.

Lenihan is grumpy because noone likes him anymore, the reason no-one likes him is because he turned into a grumpy old cunt. Tough shit. Getting more grumpy wint fix it.

Iā€™ll tell you what really butters my toast on the wrong side is the Eoin Mac Love episode of Father Ted. Daniel Oā€™Donnell is a fuck lot cooler than Graham Lenihan is but Lenihan is going around saying heā€™s got no willy. Itā€™s time to ban Father Ted.

By the way, Iā€™ve a story in my next post that you might be interested inā€¦


Putting your socks on in the wrong order would offend some of them

what rights donā€™t transgender people have here, today? Rowling done nothing wrong. She declared her right to be called a woman, which she has every right to do and did it sympathetically.

She got called some horrible, horrible things for it. Linehan isnā€™t railing against trans as a people. Heā€™s railing against the mob mentality whereby actual abuse of a woman who did nothing wrong is OK. Itā€™s hypocritical at best

Should all comedy be banned, then? Iā€™m pretty sure Linehan was being satirical about the old Irish virtuous pop star, like Daniel and Joe Dolan

@EstebanSexface, I might have told this story before, i canā€™t rememberā€¦

I have a lady-friend who works in the HR department of the HQ of one of the major banks in Dublin. She showed me on Facebook one of her co-workers called ā€œJoeā€ - a handsome lad. Joe plays 5 a side, is a bit cheeky, a bit of a lad, the girls like him and the guys like him. Joe is straight.

About once every week or 2 Joe doesnā€™t come to work. Instead a young lady called Sabrina comes to work and sits at Joeā€™s desk and does his job. Sabrina is a very nice friendly girl, easy to work with apparently.

Joe and Sabrina are the same person. Everyone at the bank is cool with this. Noone asks questions or passes comment.

The question is will you pass comment here? Are you going to get yourself sacked lad?


no mate. I have no problem with anybody anything wants to do. live and let live. Joe should be allowed to do what he/she wants. If they are doing the job properly then that is absolutely grand, and if they expect no special treatment for their identity, away with you.

I try and treat everyone the same. Sometimes Iā€™m an absolute cunt. Sometimes Iā€™m as good as gold. If Iā€™m a cunt to you itā€™s because you deserve it, in my eyes. Not because of what you are, but because of who you are. The lines are being blurred between the what and the who. Identity isnā€™t sexuality or appearance. Identity is who you are, with all the other bullshit taken away. equality is getting treated for who you are, the same as everybody else

I think you might have missed this question, would you answer it because I genuinely donā€™t know

what rights donā€™t transgender people have here, today?

Youā€™re right, I missed your question, sorry.

Youā€™re oppressing them.

Hozier is a cynical wokist. The video for that dirge take me to church is a huge indicator of that


I said it yesterday; this is mob rule, plain and simple. The Twitter mob decides public policy now. Not politicians. And not voters. If you donā€™t grovel and give in to the mob, even when the mob doesnā€™t know for sure what it wants, then you get vilified by their outrage. Welcome to 2020 lads.

What right donā€™t they have? They want to take away my right to call myself a man. Thatā€™s oppressive.

I have to say, I like Graham Linehan. ā€œThe Work Outingā€ episode of The IT Crowd was comedy gold.


It doesnā€™t exist in isolation. There are people who are the antithesis of woke who spout horrible shit too.

Whatā€™s happening is the middle ground, no mans land is being eroded and theres a youā€™re either with us or agin us mentality being created.

Cop on is sadly deserting us

The IT Crowd is a far superior show to Fr Ted.


I agree Big Mick, but it needs to be banned because it poked fun at homosexuals.

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Speaking of which, if you followed the twitter mob, youā€™d swear John Mitchells club were going to come out on BBC and Sky Sports News with a statement over the Ian Wright episode. I didnā€™t hear anything else about it since?