Twitter (Part 1)

Jesus man if your on linehans side in this I dont know what to say. I think hes actually lost his marbles. He has been ostracised by huge amount of his peers and apparently his family have been trying to do an intervention but to no avail

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What rights donā€™t trans people have in Ireland today?

The right to menstruate.


At the same time just because Lenihan (or some other wacko) says they believe something doesnā€™t automatically mean that belief is wrong or evil or i the case of trans issues erasing people. A stopped clock is right twice a day and all that. I know plenty of women pissed off with all this people who menstruate nonsense and the rest that goes with it.

An intervention for having an opinion, mother of fuck

Had a lot of respect for Jonathan Ross when he defended JK. He then capitulated to the mob and publicly attoned on Twitter. Itā€™s very Maoist.

Itā€™s a regular hobby horse of his. Whatā€™s it to him? Heā€™s one of those freaks that wonā€™t live and let live. Heā€™s just a crank like RonĆ”n Mullen or someone, but with a different specialist topic.

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Bang of David Brent off that carry on

Whatā€™s it to Hozier?

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Sorry to hear you lost out on that job mate


Are you really going down this route?

Whatā€™s it to anyone that wants to support a minority group?

You donā€™t seem to be aware that Linehan has been having snide digs at transgender folk for years. Youā€™re portraying it as some great and overdue take down of woke culture. Linehan instigated contact with Hozier too.

Some people would have it that they can fire potshots at minorities all they like, and nobody can call them up on it unless theyā€™re at the front of every single human rights issue in the world. Wokists, eh.

This is a simple case of Linehan being a creepy cunt.


A few hours away from this place and I come back to another front of argument.

This place can be great (the running threads most recently) but fuck we go down some rabbit holes.

Iā€™m commenting on the posted comment here.

Can someone please tell me what rights trans people donā€™t have in Ireland today?

Ah lad, heā€™s gone off the deep end altogether, heā€™s destroying his career for no apparent reason

Iā€™ll have to investigate this further before I do the same with my tfk career.

I back him on this particular point. I donā€™t condone transphobia

Does Sabrina play any ball?

Iā€™d say she could play for the county

He thinks heā€™s fighting the good fight. No different to woke lads ladies and other non binary types on the other side claiming lesbians are transphobic if they wonā€™t shag ā€œwomenā€ with dicks. There is a conversation to be had but most sensible people keep well away from it for fear of the mob coming after them. Did you read JK Rowlings letter? The points she raised seemed pretty reasonable to me. Thereā€™s no discussion around them as far as I can see though. Just people shouting transphobe at her.

I couldnā€™t give a shite what view he has. But spending all day long every day arguing the toss with people about this is bizarre behaviour. Its taken over his life

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What a weirdo